Tag Archives: Garden
Seeds of Change – Pledge to Plant Sweepstakes @seedsofchange #pledgetoplant

Seeds of Change organic seeds and food company, supporting community and school  gardens Pledge to Plant Sweepstakes 2nd year of grant program How much is donated per $190,000 is going to be given away Matt Hurst – Seeds of Change Hollywood Farmer’s Market in Los…

LA Street Food Fest is Back – June 29, 2013 at Rose Bowl Pasadena @lafoodfest

Save The Date The LA Street Food Fest is Back June 29, 2013 Rose Bowl Pasadena The LA Street Food Festival is back. Thousands attend. More details, but be sure to mark your calendar. Buy your tickets starting April 1, 2013. After you buy your…

Urban Ecology Extravanganza March 3, 2013

Urban Ecology Extravanganza on Sunday March 3rd! An educational, fun-filled event thats ALMOST FREE! Don’t miss this revolutionary event!  In honor of the upcoming SoCal Permaculture Convergence, IUE is proud to be partnering with several Los Angeles based organizations to bring you this once-in-a-lifetime event.  Come…

Muir Ranch #Plugmob

Sharing this from the Muir Ranch Facebook page: Every 3rd Saturday it’s the #Plugmob! Your support for our work supports not just our Muir Ranch kids but every school garden program in LA County. We are giving away 50,000 veg and flower seedlings thanks to…

Friends in Deed – Pasadena-based, non-profit food bank

~~~ Do you have a fruit tree that needs picking? Steve and Judy Bass suggest, “…instead of letting the fruit land on the ground and go to waste, consider turning the fruit into a tax-deductible donation by giving it to Friends in Deed, a Pasadena-based,…

Pasadena Community Gardens – Accepting Applications

“OPENING OUR GARDEN GATES” Pasadena Community Gardens will be accepting applications from Pasadena residents who’d like to become a member of our first garden at 721 S. Pasadena Ave. (across the street from Huntington Hospital) To find out more about garden membership, as well as volunteer…

Protecting Citrus Fruit Trees From Freezing Temperatures in Southern California

Protecting Citrus and other Fruit Trees From Freezing Temperatures Thanks to the folks at Food Forward for sharing these tips on keeping your fruit trees safe from the freezing temperatures about to come to the Southern California area. FRUIT TIP OF THE WEEK: Protect your…

Native Nights Workshop with Lili Singer

Pasadena Water and Power invites you to: �NATIVE NIGHTS: The Pleasures of Going Native� with Lili Singer October 9, 2012 7 pm – 9 pm (RESERVE NOW) Planning a garden, large or small, from scratch or around existing plants? Discover the joys and benefits of…

Pasadena Tree Trimming Service Free Mulch and Turf Removal Rebates

I want to share a new resource. Working in the neighborhood and asked about mulch. Called within 2 days and delivered a giant free load. You can use them for trees trimming services, apparently they were great to deal with. Four other tree companies had…

LA’s New Rooftop Garden @ Playa

Announcing Cielo Verde, Playa‘s new vertical rooftop garden!   Having researched the most advanced methods for small-space, sustainable urban propagation, Chef John Sedlar and Partner Bill Chait decided to create an aeroponic system based on 35 compact, drip-irrigated towers and situate it on the restaurant’s rooftop for…

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