Tag Archives: Charles L. Beck
Hactivist Soviet Group Exposes Celebrity Details

Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kim K, & Michelle Obama Private Info Hacked & Posted A believed to be soviet based hactivist group has obtained “stolen” the private information of numerous celebrities, politicians, and wealthy influential Americans. US Politicians US Government related officials include 1st Lady Michelle Obama,…

$1 Million Dollar Reward for Dorner

A $1 Million Dollar Reward for Dorner is expected to be announced. Apparently according the LA Times not all of the $1 million has been secured, approx $500 has been raised. The various agencies and officials are scrambling to raise the additional funds. Expect to…

Occupy LA 200 Arrests Eviction Complete Fence Up

Those arrested on $5,000 bail. Mayor and police chief Charles Beck declared it a “success” 1400 police officers. 200 arrested with what they call Officers wearing bio-hazard suites.  Concerned about health, due to virus and infections.   What did it cost to evict the protestors?…

Occupy Los Angeles Protestors Being Vacated Today Hours Away @occupyla

Occupy Los Angeles Protestors Being Vacated Today Hours Away The OccupyLA movement is about to take a turn, we don’t know the outcome of the vacating orders, and wether protestors will go without incident. With 55 days of the occupation of the lawn at Los…