May 15 2010
Pasadena Traffic & Air Quality Concerns

As a resident of the City of Pasadena, CA I am very concerned with the health and safety issues caused by the following:
1. Traffic on the main freeway flowing through Pasadena, which on most mornings and afternoons is practically stopped from the point you enter Pasadena to the time you leave. It appears that the City needs to do more to lobby the state and government officials to mitigate this traffic, as it is basically cars and trucks sitting on the road in city limits running their engines and polluting our air. In addition onramps and off-ramps are jammed with cars trying to get on and off the the 210 Foothill Freeway.
The 210 to 134 interchange needs to be retrofitted to handle better traffic patterns, as what is there now is not working.

2. Speeding on city streets, I see cars speeding by my home on Orange Grove on a pretty consistent basis. I have seen the speed detection trailer on the street from time to time and I can go out there and always see cars speed by unless I stand there on the sidewalk with a camera. An idea would be to place a patrol car with or without a n officer to catch these speeders. It is pretty bad. Here’s a few pictures taking within minutes of checking the display and watching cars break the 40mph speed limit. And I believe the 40mph is too high, it should be 30 or 35mph. There’s a speed detector closer in East Pasadena that is working sometimes, and I believe it flashes when cars speed by. What I am asking myself is what are the results of the trailer that is moved from location to location, is the city sharing this data? Is it available at the police station? from a PIO, Public Information Office for the City of Pasadena, if someone from the city of Pasadena reads this could you let me know. Please.

I am concerned with improving the quality of life in Pasadena, not increasing the density of living and worsening the conditions. Our air quality is bad enough, and the noise of cars speeding by homes doesn’t help.



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