May 15 2010
ebay scam watch out for “Second Chance”

ebay scam watch out for “Second Chance”

KTLA Chip Yost did a piece on the ebay scam where both buyers and sellers are scammed by a third party.
The seller is selling an item, in this case a car through ebay auto. The auto is sold to a buyer, and the transaction is done. Then a party that was interested in the auto that did not win is emailed by this third party that hacked the account of the seller, either to make it look like the seller is responding with another chance for this buyer. The buyer is given the chance to buy and just lost the money, because there is no auto to buy.

So buyer beware, double and triple check as ebay is fill of con artists trying to make a buck. I think for the story ebay did not respond, which is not surprising as they are constantly being bombarded by the media and the exploits that are out there, but they should respond to the media. It is really a buyer beware internet. Protect your indentity, change your passwords on your accounts and be cautious of the links you click on as they are probably not those of the original site, for instance. If you see as the domain, that is ok. But if you see something like or something like that do not click it. You can always go to the site and login and verify that the message is there. If the seller’s account is hacked, you may have to send them an email to verify or ask them to call you. Still with all that you do, you can still be ripped off. So be very cautious.


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