Pasadena is one of the cities allowing restaurants to continue to outdoor dining.
As COVID-19 cases continue to surge and LA County continues to restrict further Pasadena was the exception with allow restaurants to continue to allow outdoor dining.
As of this post at least five restaurants have had to cease dining operations, as a result of multiple warnings and violations.
The city has not released which restaurants these are., which is troubling in itself. As the appearance of transparency on one hand, but not on the other.
These are the orders posted as of November 20, 2020.
CITY OF PASADENA HEALTH OFFICER ORDERFOR THE CONTROL OF COVID-19LIMITED STAY AT HOME ORDERTO SLOW THE SPREAD OF COVID-19RESTRICTIONSONDINING ESTABLISHMENTS,PERSONAL CARE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTSAND PRIVATE GATHERINGSThis Order Issued: November 19, 2020This Order is in effect as of 12:01 AM November 20, 2020 until rescinded in writing by theHealth Officer.Please read this Order carefully. Violation of or failure to comply with thisRevised Order is a crime punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. (CaliforniaHealth and Safety Code §120295.)SUMMARY OF THE ORDER: California is in a State of Emergency because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a substantial danger to the health of the public within the City of Pasadena. COVID-19 can easily spread between people who are in close contact with one another. Everyone is at risk for becoming ill with COVID-19, but some people are more vulnerable to serious illness, including pneumonia and organ failure, or death, due to their age, physical state, and/or health status.The City of Pasadena Health Officer (“Health Officer”) has issued a number ofOrders to help slow COVID-19’s spread, protect vulnerable individuals, and prevent the healthcare system in and around the City of Pasadena from being overwhelmed. The Revised Safer at Home Orders, dated March 22, 2020 and supplementedApril 11 and May 15, 26 and 29, June 11, 18 and 28, 2020,and July 1and 14, 2020issued by the Health Officer, as well as other “Safer at Home” orders issued by other jurisdictions haveproven to slow the spread of COVID-19.At this time, California, Los Angeles County, and Pasadena are experiencing an unprecedented rate of increase in confirmed cases of COVID-19. This significant surge incases has resulted in an increase in hospitalizations and deaths. This orderimposes limitedhours of operationforrestaurants, breweriesand bars, consistent with modifications allowed through Tier 1 (Purple) of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, issued by the California Department of Public Health (“CDPH”)on August 28, 2020.This order imposes, or re-imposes, restrictions onpersonal care serviceestablishments. Except as provided for herein, all previous Orders of the Pasadena Health Officer remain in full force and effect.
Page 2of 3UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETYCODE SECTIONS 120175 et seq., AND THE PASADENA MUNICIPAL CODESECTION 8.04.010, THE CITY OF PASADENA HEALTH OFFICERORDERS:1.This Orderrequires that all restaurants, breweriesand barsmust close for onsite dining between the hours of10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Takeout and delivery services are permitted to continue during these hours.2.This Order prohibits personal care servicesthat require the client to remove their face covering, such as for facials and shaves.3.This Order limits indoor occupancy of all other personal care services,such as nail salons, body waxing and tattoo parlorsand estheticians, to 25% capacity as measured by the maximum permitted occupancy pursuant to the California Fire Code for each establishment. Personal care service establishmentsmust continue to see clients by appointment only.Personal care service establishments are still encouraged to provide outdoor services as much as possible because current scientific evidence appears to indicate a general lower risk of COVID-19 transmission outdoors, compared to indoors.4.This Order amends the Health Officer Order dated October 15, 2020 re Private Outdoor Gatherings to limit socialgatherings to15 attendees. All other restrictions set forth in the Health Officer Order dated October 15, 2020 remain in full force and effect, including but not limited to:a.Gatherings should be limited to no more than three householdsb.Gatherings should be held outside and last no longer than 2 hoursc.Attendees should maintain at least 6 feet physical separation from all other attendees who are not part of the same household or living unitd.Face coverings must be worn by all attendees over age 2 years at all times to the extent practicable, barring the exceptions listed in the State Health Officer Ordere.Singing, chanting and shouting are strongly discouraged5.All previous Orders of the Pasadena Health Officer, as revised, supplemented and/or amended,remain in full force and effect, except as provided herein.6.This Order’s intent is to continue to ensure thatCity residents remain in their residences as much as practicable, to limit close contact with others outside their households in both indoor and outdoor spaces. All persons who can telework or work from home should continue to do so as much as possible during this pandemic. All non-essential offices must continue to operate remotely, without in-person operations. Nothing in this Order prohibits members of a single household from engaging in activities together, but gatherings of people who are not part of a single household or living unit aresubject to restrictions, within the City of Pasadena PublicHealth Jurisdiction, except for the limited purposes expressly permitted by thisOrder.
Page 3of 37.People leaving their residences as permitted by this Order must strictly comply withphysical distancing measures, including: maintaining six feet or more of distance between individuals from different households, frequently washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol, and wearing a cloth face covering over the nose and mouth whenever there is or can be contact with others who are non-household members in both public and private places, whether indoors or outdoors, for the purposes of source control.8.This Order applies to all persons within the City of Pasadena under the HealthOfficer’s jurisdiction.9.Violation of this Order is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment, fine or both under California Health and Safety Code Section 120295. This Revised Order will be enforced by the City of Pasadena PoliceDepartment, City Attorney/City Prosecutor’s Office, and/or any other agency designated by the Pasadena CityManager for enforcement.10.If any subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this Order (or any other prior Order) or any application of it to any person, structure, gathering, or circumstance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction, then such decision willnot affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Order (or any other prior Order).IT IS SO ORDERED:Date:11/19/2020Ying-Ying Goh, MD, MSHSHealth Officer, City of Pasadena