Dec 13 2010
Net Impact Update and announcements

Received this email from rosemary rohde, very good info.

Net Impact Update and announcements

Happy Holidays!

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Dervaes talk.  It was a full house (over 120 people!).  We are currently in the process of planning out the events for 2011.  We have lots of great events in the works but we always love your input.  If you have any ideas (movies, speakers, workshops, etc), please email me ( asap.

We are tying to organize a film event before the end of the year.  But due to finals and the holidays, we might just wait till January.  Stay tuned!  We are still gardening on Sundays (if you are interested email  Save the date: Algalita ( will be giving a presentation on Jan 20th at Caltech (confirmed).

Here are some local announcements for you:

1.  Jeremy Seifert, filmmaker of DIVE!, showed that Americans waste almost 100 million pounds of food every year. Much of that ends up in the dumpsters behind our neighborhood grocery stores such as Trader Joe’s and Whole foods.

Here is an update from Jeremy:

The DC screening was amazing! Elizabeth Kucinich was on the panel with me, and we went out to dinner with her and Dennis afterward!  We made some other great connections as well.  I think this is the tipping point for ol’ dive!

Can you help spread the word about our kickstarter campaign?  We’re raising 10 grand to send a film to every Trader Joe’s and Whole foods store in the country.  There are only a few days left!

Here’s a link with a video and some info:

This is something very simple that people can do to help end food waste, feed the hungry, and save the environment.



Help support this movement.  Also if you haven’t checked out this great film, please do:

2.  The Dervaes Farm stand is open.  Eat local and organic.

Location:  631 Cypress Avenue, Pasadena, CA, 91103

Phone:  626-795-8400

Mon – Thurs:  5:00 am – 5:00 pm

Fri:  5:00 am – 3:00 pm

Sun:  5:00 am – 5:00 pm

Check out: for more information.

3.  Check out the Altadena Urban Farmers Market (once a month)

Sunday, December 19 · 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Zane Grey Estate

396 E Mariposa Street

Altadena, CA

Come shop for home grown and home made stuff, mostly food, from your neighbors. Get inspired–maybe you are a potential vendor for the next market! Bring your family, pet some goats, chase some chickens. Enjoy an afternoon on the grounds of Altadena’s Zane Grey Estate

4.  Update on the Arroyo Food Co-op:  There membership has increased tremendously and their store equipment was donated by Co-opportunity in Santa Monica.  Check them out:

5.  Save the date:

Cleantech Career Night is a collaboration between Caltech, UCLA, USC, and CleanTech LA with the goal of connecting LA’s brightest business and engineering students with leading clean technology companies.

Cleantech Career Night

February 1st, 2011, 6:00 PM

USC Davidson Conference Center

3415 S. Figueroa

Los Angeles, CA 90089


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