Jan 19 2024
Landmark Bookstores For Sale – Pasadena Vroman’s and West Hollywood Book Soup
  • – Joel Sheldon, the majority shareholder, has been the steward of the business for almost 50 years and is interested in retiring from ownership of Vroman’s.
  • – Vroman’s is here for the long-term. With the support of our community, we intend to be here one hundred years from now.
  • – Bookstores are gathering places and have proven to be very resilient thanks to their communities. Bookstores are thriving all over the United States.
  • – You can help by continuing to shop with us.
  • – We believe that the right new ownership is out there, and we intend to take the time to find them.

For more detailed information and serious purchasing inquiries, please email: thefuture@vromansbookstore.com.

Book Soup Bookstore For Sale Text
To our Book Soup Customers and Community:
Book Soup has been a part of the Southern California bookselling community for nearly 50 years. Founded by Glenn Goldman in 1975, the “Bookseller to the Great and Infamous” counts legions of writers, readers, celebrities, artists, and musicians as a part of its storied history. When Glenn passed away in 2009, Vroman’s Bookstore was proud to continue his legacy and vision on the iconic Sunset Strip.
Both Vroman’s and Book Soup have had the privilege of inspiring imaginations and providing connections and community for generations.
Vroman’s current chairman, Joel Sheldon, will turn 80 this year and as he prepares to retire he is seeking new ownership for both Vroman’s and Book Soup. Joel believes the stores deserve new ownership with the vision, energy, and dedication necessary to take them successfully into the future.
While we don’t yet know who the new owner will be, our goal is to find someone who is dedicated to our employees and customers and who is committed to preserving Book Soup and Vroman’s for their communities.
We will will do everything possible to maintain business as usual while we go through the process of identifying the right new ownership. We made it through the height of the pandemic thanks to your support and need your continued support to help us successfully transition to new ownership and ensure the future of Book Soup.
Thank you to the many booksellers who have passed through the doors over the years. Book Soup would not have the legacy it does, without you.
While this may be a time of some uncertainty, it is also a time for optimism and excitement for the future. We can all look forward to the possibilities.
For more information, please email: thefuture@booksoup.com
With deep appreciation, Book Soup

Vroman’s Bookstore for sale Text
To our Vroman’s Customers and Community:
I want to thank our great Vroman’s customers for all of the support that you have shown us throughout the years and especially during our busy holiday season. It’s always heartening to see our stores filled with customers who love Vroman’s – many of whom have been shopping in our store for generations.
My family has been the steward of Vroman’s for over 100 years of its 130-year history. For almost 50 years, I have had the privilege of serving as Vroman’s owner and steward, preceded by generations of leadership by my father, grandfather, and uncles. As I approach my 80th birthday, it’s time to begin the process of retiring and finding new ownership outside of the Sheldon family. Vroman’s deserves new ownership with the vision, energy, and commitment necessary to take it successfully into the future.
I wanted to share this news with you, our valued customers, as we shepherd Vroman’s journey into the future. This was not an easy decision for me, but it is in the best interest of Vroman’s, our employees, our customers, my family, and our community.
My family has poured our hearts and lives into Vroman’s, and we want to see it continue for years to come. We will take the time needed to find the right new ownership — someone who shares our core values and who is committed to preserving Vroman’s as a community treasure. Our goal is to maintain business as usual and do our best to avoid any kind of disruption to our customers or employees.
In the meantime, we need your continued support. We made it through the height of the pandemic thanks to your commitment to shop Vroman’s and preserve it as a community treasure. We need your continued support to help us to successfully transition to new ownership and ensure our future.
I’d also like to thank our many employees, both current and past. We’ve been very fortunate to have such a talented and dedicated group over the many years who have helped make Vroman’s the special place it is.
While our ownership change will be a time of some uncertainty, it is also a time for optimism and excitement for what the future can bring for Vroman’s and our community. There is a myriad of possibilities, and we look forward to them all.
If you are interested in taking Vroman’s into the future, please email: thefuture@vromansbookstore.com for more information.
With deep gratitude, Joel Sheldon


Here is the official announcement regarding the future of @vromansbookstore and @booksoup. We are excited about the opportunities of the future and new ownership and we are DEFINITELY not closing. We appreciate your support in-person and online and we ❤️ this community of West Hollywood and the world famous Sunset Strip!
More details at the link in our bio.

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