Mar 10 2011
Japan Earthquake 8.9 updated, Tsunamis – Live Video Coverage and Images

Japan Earthquake 8.8 updated, Tsunamis. We are hearing it has been updated to 8.9. Sendai is the epicenter area. Hawaii is under tsunami watch. Moving blaze on the tsunami , it is pretty crazy to see this sites.
Nuclear power plant is shutdown.
Images of devastation or coming in.
Airports flooded
A wall of 13ft flooded huge parts of farmland and cities.

Estimates of 300 people dead, sadly most likely to rise.
The largest quake in reported Japan history since quakes started getting measured.

For those looking for someone or having found someone, Google has launched their person/people finder application.

If you are even close, do not even go close to the shores, or beaches.

Note: There was a warning of the 8.9 earthquake in Japan 1 minute before it happened!

About an hour and half ago now.

Warnings of 4-10 meters.

Tsunami watch in effect for Hawaii until 2:59 a.m. Friday

This is considered a GREAT QUAKE!

Another quake in Japan. USGS is calling the new one a 7.1:
Breaking News: California is officially in a Tsunami Watch

Watch live coverage here:
Watch live video from CNN International on

Dr. Lucy Jones – aftershocks extend 36 to 46 latitude 450 kilometers, large area, from Tokyo north.
Fires are something to keep an eye out for.


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