Craig Brittain, a 28-year-old from Colorado Springs, claims to make about $3,000 a month from his ‘revenge porn’ website, Is most of this revenue from take down requests at $250 each?
The website features compromising photographs of hundreds of women along with detailed information about them, such as their names and phone numbers. The site offers a cash reward to anyone who can provide additional information about the women featured and it charges a $250 ‘take-down’ fee for women who want their photos removed.
GoDaddy has been sued name in a Texas lawsuit filed by 17 women whose nude photos were published without their permission on a “revenge porn” website hosted by the Scottsdale-based company.
At this time it appears that Brittain’s site is still online.
Another site which does a similar activity is offline., the website accused of conspiring with Go Daddy to invade the women’s privacy and intentionally cause them emotional and financial harm, appeared to be offline Wednesday.
More on this story as it develops.