Jun 16 2017
FINAL NOTICE – Google AdWords Class Action Settlement – DEADLINE JUNE 21ST, 2017
If You Had a Google AdWords Account and Were Charged For Ad Clicks, You May Be Entitled to Money From A Class Action Settlement.


You must file a claim by the June 21, 2017 deadline to ensure that you receive any payment you are entitled to as part of this class action settlement. The Claim Form is available online at www.AdWordsClassAction.com.

File Your Claim
Claim Number: PIN:
Notice of Class Action Settlement
In Re Google AdWords Litigation, No. 5:08-cv-03369-EJD
U.S. District Court Northern District of California
A $22,500,000 class action settlement has been preliminarily approved by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, in the case In Re Google AdWords Litigation, No. 5:08-cv-03369-EJD.  Your rights may be affected and you may be entitled to a portion of this settlement if you are an eligible Class Member.
Who Is Included in the Settlement?
You may be a Class Member if during the period of July 11, 2004 and March 31, 2008, you: 1) were a U.S. resident; 2) had a Google AdWords Account; and, 3) were charged for clicks on advertisements appearing on parked domains or error pages.
What Is This Case About?
This case alleges that Google failed to disclose to its AdWords customers that it placed ads on websites known as parked domains and error pages.  The lawsuit alleges this conduct violates California laws against unfair competition and false advertising.  Google denies these claims.
How Do I Ask for Payment?
To receive payment, you must submit a claim form no later than June 21, 2017 and have spent at least $1.00 on AdWords served on parked domains or error pages between July 11, 2004 and March 31, 2008.  You may complete the claim form online at www.AdWordsClassAction.com or you may mail your claim form to the following address: Google AdWords Settlement, c/o Analytics Consulting LLC, P.O. Box 2005, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2005.
***If you do not file a claim, you will not receive a payment, unless, under certain circumstances, there is money remaining after all class members who do file claims have been fully compensated.***
What Are My Options?
You have a choice about whether to stay in the Class or not.  If you submit a claim or do nothing, you are choosing to stay in the Class.  This means you will be legally bound by all orders and judgments of the Court, and you will not be able to sue or continue to sue Google about the legal claims resolved by this settlement. If you stay in the Class you may object to the settlement. You or your own lawyer may also ask to appear and speak at the hearing, at your own cost, but you don’t have to. The deadline to submit objections and requests to appear is June 21, 2017. If you do not want to stay in the Class, you must submit a request for exclusion by June 21, 2017. If you exclude yourself, you cannot get a payment from this settlement, but you will keep any rights to sue Google for the same claims in a different lawsuit. The detailed notice explains how to exclude yourself, object, and request to appear.
The Court’s Fairness Hearing.
The Court will hold a Final Fairness Hearing on July 27, 2017 at 9:00 am PST at the following location: U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, San Jose Courthouse, Courtroom 4 – 5th Floor, 280 South 1st Street, San Jose, CA 95113.  At this hearing, the Court will consider whether: 1) the settlement is fair, reasonable, and adequate; 2) to approve the service awards to the class representatives; and 3) to approve the award of attorneys’ fees and expenses to the attorneys for the class.
Where Can I get More Information?
To get a copy of the detailed notice or settlement agreement or to learn more: visit the settlement website at www.AdWordsClassAction.com, call toll-free by phone at 1-844-798-3628, or email at info@adwordsclassaction.com.

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