Dec 29 2011
Fandango Offering Some Good Deals


It’s hard to speak for the entire world with blanket statements like “everyone loves _____”.  Most of the time, statements like that just won’t fly.  One that has some serious power behind it, however, is “everyone loves movies”.  They’re a great escape from reality that let you get into an intense story or a fun comedy and just relax for a couple of hours.  Sometimes you go a little while without watching a film in theaters and you forget how great an experience that can really be.  Well, Fandango is here to help you remember why watching movies in the theater is one of America’s favorite past-times with a couple of great holiday offers.

The first is a deal worth checking out: install Internet Explorer 9 and get $5 off your next movie ticket.  This is a great simple way to cut that movie ticket price.  If you already have internet explorer 9, the deal still works for you, just go to the site and follow the directions on pinning the link to your taskbar.  If you don’t already have IE9, install it and follow the instructions on Fandango.  Let’s face it, you were going to upgrade to IE9 sooner or later anyway, so you might as well save $5 while you’re at it.

Also worth looking into is a whole page of offers and promotions on, which grant you discounts for accepting or trying an offer.  This is a good way to save on movie tickets, especially if you were going to try some of these products or services anyway.  Head on over to to take advantage of these deals and save on your next movie ticket purchase.

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