Nov 30 2007
EVS Electric Vehicle Expo this weekend

Electric Vehicle Expo: The Future of Transportation
EVS 23 International Symposium & Expo/Sustainability: The Future of Transportation
The International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exposition (EVS) series, organized by the World Electric Vehicle Association (WEVA), has long been recognized as the premier event for academic, government and industry professionals involved in electric drive technologies. The EVS series began in 1969 as an academic forum for global networking and the exchange of technical information. As electric drive technologies progressed from the classrooms and laboratories into the marketplace, EVS blossomed into an event that is both academic and business oriented.
Today, the EVS series is recognized as the global electric transportation industry’s premier and largest forum, showcasing all forms of technologies in the market place and on the drawing boards–from low speed battery electric vehicles to fuel cell electric buses. The event attracts academic, government and industry leaders from around the world who are interested in exploring and understanding the technical, policy and market challenges to a paradigm shift toward use of electric transportation technologies.
Who are the exhitors?
? Domestic and international vehicle manufacturers ? Off-road, industrial, heavy-duty and bus manufacturers ? Fuel cell, battery, and drive-train suppliers ? Electricity, hydrogen, and other fuel suppliers ? Automotive, industrial and heavy-duty component suppliers ? Government agencies and laboratories ? Universities with breakthrough technology programs ? Industry, environmental, and consumer associations Date Sun, Dec/02/2007 Time: 11am Location: Anaheim Convention Center Hall A, Ballroom, Room 201-204, 303 800 W. Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92803

Cost: FREE and Open to the Public
When: Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 11:00 AM
Where: Anaheim Convention CenterHall A,
Ballroom, Room 201-204, 303
800 W. Katella Ave.Anaheim, CA 92803
Event fee: USD10.00 per person

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