Mar 25 2012
EV Charger Network California DC Fast Charge

A EV charger network is coming to California. Thanks to a settlement with NRG Energy, the company that was responsible for the rolling blackouts in California.

But get this, the settlement is basically giving the money back to the company responsible or more accurately a subsidiary

NRG’s eVgo subsidiary to build a large electric car charging station network. The network will include over 200 DC Fast Charge stations in California’s major metropolitan areas. While deploying electric car fast charge stations has been shown to improve EV adoption,

The agreement calls for a network that will bring:

  • A minimum of 200 direct current (DC) fast chargers to the state.
  • A minimum of 10,000 parking spaces retrofitted with wiring necessary to charge EVs at multifamily buildings, large worksites and civic sites such as universities and hospitals.
  • Training and jobs for the installation and maintenance of these charging stations in California.
  • Advanced charging services that increase the speed and power of DC fast charging, store electricity to minimize peak-period demand, and enable EV drivers to support electrical grid reliability with needed energy services through vehicle to grid technology enhancement and implementation.
  • Significant additional investment in California’s clean technology economy and hundreds of jobs in construction and EV infrastructure manufacturing, maintenance and management.
  • Approximately $100 million in infrastructure investment over four years, and $20 million in cash to go to the California Public Utility Commission.

Read these two stories for more details:

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