This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of IZEA for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Want to earn a little extra money with your photos and video? Do you think that you are the next great camera man or photographer?
Go to to earn some extra cash in the hand when you put your picture and videos on this website. Do you have a photographer of a friend that would make everyone else chuckle when they see it? Put the picture on this website and every time that it is download, you will earn some extra cash in the hand. If the staff of this website thinks you are also a great photographer, the staff of this website will reach out to you with more ways of earning cash in the hand.
Are you wondering how to get signed up for this great website, go toStaree and on the first page, it says to get started with the application process use your Facebook or Twitter account. You will earn extra money by sharing the photos; you take on Facebook or Twitter. will see them and they will determined if you earn extra cash by putting those pictures on your page.
Get connected to and have fun with your friends by snapping pictures that are funny, serious, or just plain cute. What a way to earn money and you can ever let your friends in on the deal when you pass the word around about their fabulous way to earn money. Go have fun with your friends and don’t for get to capture the moments.