Artisanal LA’s 7th Annual FALL SHOW
returns downtown at the
SATURDAY & SUNDAY / OCTOBER 22-23 / 11a-6p
Grab a friend, celebrate the changing seasons and get a jump on holiday shopping whille meeting and supporting local food artisans, crafters and makers, and do a little making and crafting of your own.
Eat, shop, make and build community at Artisanal LA’s 7th Annual Fall Show.
NEW: Expanded Programming Schedule!
NEW: Free Two-Day Admisison for All Ticket Holders
NEW: Venue! We’ve moved from the Reef to CMC
150+ Makers + Crafters + Artisans + Chefs
Shopping + Tasting
30+ DIY Sessions + Workshops + Cooking Classes
ft Makers Mess Weekend Long Pop-Up Studio
Fall Garden Area + Pop-Up Urban Farm + Goats (!)
Panels + Demos + Giveaways
Kids Crafts + Workshops + Family Lounge
Coffee + Café + Lounge
Local Artists’ Gallery + Acoustic Music + More!
Programming Highlights
All Day Programming
For up to the minute event news, including workshop, demo and DIY schedules, plus a complete list of our Fall Show makers, and more, be sure to visit our website and download the program the week of event at