Monthly Archives: January 2008
Jan 2 2008
Digital TV and the FCC Coupon

Today you can start to visit the

This site has all sorts of info including a coupon you can ask form where the government has set asside 1.5 billion in funds to help consumers purchase and upgrade to digital tv.

Jan 2 2008
Big storms moving in

Jan 2, 2008
We are receiving reports that Southern California will be receiving between 2 and 5 inches of rain over the next 4-5 days. That’s significant rain fall.

Right now we are hearing reports of major winds in the passes with overturned trucks on the 5 and 14 fwys.

Here in Pasadena, it is a little cold, but no wind yet.

Jan 1 2008
Happy New Year 2008

Happy New Year Everyone!

It is now 2008 and the weather here in Southern California, Pasadena is amazing. Some high clouds but very nice.

This morning we attended(Victor Caballero, Jennifer Caballero, Justin Caballero and Gracie Bradley) the 119th Rose Parade, we saw the begining of the parade from our seats in section 399, near the Norton Simon Museum.

The seats are pretty good, but not as good as being on the other side of the street, as that is the side the cameras are on. They have to have the best side there.

I’ll have some more pictures and even some video of the parade coming.


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