Mar 4 2009
Zillion TV is coming

The studios are getting ready to launch a new service that will reward viewers for watching commercials.
Now, You Run The Show.™
Declare your independence from one-size-fits-all television. The ZillionTV™ Service is all about putting you in control. Choose the shows you want to watch, when you want to watch them; choose the ad categories you want — or watch no ads at all. It’s your very own personal television experience.

CEO Mitch Berman
ZillionTV is the first company to do AVOD — advertising video on demand — on television
The box is rumored to cost approx $50! At this point we have not heard about pricing for the programming. But would imagine that for the watching of ads/commercials you are rewarded and earn points. You can watch specific types of ads to your liking.
This could be a hit with tv viewers.


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