Aug 11 2010
Why are highway street lights on during daylight hours?

I’ve been noticing now for several months that highway lights remain on during daylight hours.  Most of the lights I notice on are located at the 210 134 interchange, near the Rose Bowl and the Fair Oaks offramp, yesterday it appeared that most if not all of the lights where on at 9am in the morning.

I can understand that the lights need to be on during the day for testing and replacing lights that are out, but leaving them on for months is not good and again is costing tax payers thousands of dollars. I can only imagine that these dozen or so lights are not the only ones, I have noticed the same at the 2 and 134 interchange and at the 5 and 134 interchange. Keep an eye out.

I believe the light poles have an ID on them and that can be used to report.

The cost to tax payers must be in the hundreds if not thousands of dollars as there are dozens of lights on for what is basically 24 hours a day, in some cases it appears that some have burned out from being on straight for months straight.

I have reached out to Mayor of Pasadena Bill Bogaard’s office and received a response last week, so far the lights are still on.

If you have noticed that the lights are on, street lights or highway lights on during daylight hours then you should contact your local street maintenance dept and request that those lights be looked at.

The following is a message from Mayor Bill Bogaard.  You may respond directly to him at, with a cc: to me.

Dear Mr. Caballero:

I am able to confirm that our staff will be contacting the Caltrans L.A. District maintenance manager to see if this situation can be cured.  It is within Caltrans’ jurisdiction, and may involve a broken switch or switches that have become non-operational.

Thank you for taking time to bring this to our attention.



Jana Stewart

Office of the Mayor & City Council


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