Nov 18 2012
Tower Garden at Green Festival Los Angeles
Of the many impressive products available at the Green Festival was a product named Tower Garden.
The claims that you can have greens to eat within 4-6 weeks, and in some cases more than you can consume are impressive. The Tower Garden is a aeroponic.
The tower with slots for the plants looks like a fountain the water is pumped from the bottom reservoir to the top and showers down, watering the roots of the plants.
To order your own Aeroponic Tower Garden, simply click here:

BIG IDEAS: Dickson Despommier’s Vertical Farming

-No Dirt, No bending, no weeding
-Taste the fresh picked difference
-no pesticides or herbicides
– Vine-ripened, nutritious produce
<10% of space, water+nutrients zero interest monthly installments

The Juice Plus Tower Gardens simplifies traditional gardening, using a unique vertical garden system that makes it easy to grow your own fresh fruits and vegetables at home.
You can start by growing seeds or can purchase plugs or starters.

-Uses 90% less water and nutrients
-Grow 30-50% quicker
-self sustainable & eco friendly with virtually no pests
– excellent customer service and online resources
Available now!
12 payments of $43 / month or a one time $499. Plus applicable shipping and tax. First installment will include entire $50 shipping charge & tax

TO learn more about Tower Gardens aeroponic gargdens by Juice Plus+ visit the website: or call Todd Mehl at (805) 246-7137


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