Jun 25 2008
Tmobile customer service continued

So I placed another call to t-mobile today and the rep was very courteous and listened to me and was sympathetic. Obviously the reps who work for t-mobile never have phone problems….

So anyway, still no sign of the @home hotspot router. Pretty amazing considering that this is the second one they are sending out to me.

I called to forward my number to Sprint, because, Sprint actually works in the areas where tmobile does not.

The rep walked me through the steps with the **21*9999999# where 9999999 is the number you want to forward all your calls to.

I forgot to ask about how my phonebook is always syncing with some service someplace and where I could retrieve those names and numbers to make sure I have them in my new Sprint phone.

If enough people start to cancel their t-mobile service maybe t-mobile will start to pay attention???

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