Jul 6 2008
The Bike Garage in Astoria

Congrats to Kris Daehler on the opening of his new bike store in Astoria.

Located in a very cool space of an old car dealership.

Kris hustled to rent me and my wife Jennifer two Kona bikes for the afternoon a few days ago. Very nice bikes, even with the slightly disc brake issue which Kris was working on figuring out with Kona.

The Bike Garage

Quality bikes specified just for you.

Hand picked bicycle components.

Precision maintenance & repair.

Located at 13th & Duane in Astoria, Oregon.

1343 Duane St.
Suite 2
Astoria, OR 97103

FAX: 503.338.3385

Call 503.338.RIDE (7433).

Bike rental and sales in Astoria, OR.

Open Wednesday – Sunday.

Check out his website at:



On our next trip to Astoria, OR, we will do another rental with Kris. In addition I would like to rent a kayak.

| The Bike Garage www.thebikegarage.com |
| Astoria Pedal Cab www.pedicab.thebikegarage.com |
| Rhizome Cycle www.rhizomecycle.com

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