Jan 22 2008
TasteBooks – custom personalized recipe books

Welcome to TasteBook

The ultimate culinary gift. Make a personal cookbook at TasteBook.com

A personal cookbook from TasteBoook is the hottest new product for home cooks. TasteBooks are beautiful, hardbound cookbooks you can create in just minutes. Choose from among 25, 000 recipes from Epicurious.com, Bon Appetit, Gourmet, and add recipes from your own kitchen. Many more recipes are on the way! Add personal photos and beautiful cover images to customize your book. A TasteBook costs $34.95 and includes 100 recipes, ten chapter dividers and an easy-open binder to add new recipes anytime.

Customers who use their own recipes and photos tend to order multiple books and distribute to their entire family!

TasteBook is a one-of-a-kind service, the only place where every cook can publish her own cookbook filled with her favorite recipes. It should be a big hit on your sites. A TasteBook also makes a perfect gift.

Want to know what’s on the top of every cook’s shopping list? A personal cookbook from TasteBoook, the hottest new product for home cooks. TasteBooks are beautiful, hardbound cookbooks you can create in just minutes. Choose among 25,000 recipes from Epicurious.com, Bon Appetit, Gourmet, (many more to come) and recipes from your own kitchen. Add personal photos and beautiful cover images to customize your book. A TasteBook costs $34.95 and includes 100 recipes, ten chapter dividers, and an easy-open binder to add recipes anytime.

“It’s really simple!” -CNN American Morning
“A cookbook for the Google Generation” -Concierge.com
“iTunes for recipes” -DailyCandy.com
Founded by the core team who built Ofoto, the largest online photo service (now Kodak Gallery), TasteBook is bringing on-demand printing to the Food & Cooking category. Last year, over 5 million cookbooks were sold in the US in November and December alone. Imagine the possibilities with personalized cookbooks – essentials in every cook’s kitchen.

Tastebook. Make a personal cookbook.

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