Oct 26 2012
Stop The Hacker – Protect and Repair Hacked Websites

Whoever owns a site knows how much frustrating it is when you open your website and find its not there, or it redirects you to some weird websites, or your site if filled with advertisements. Then it takes so much of your precious time to fight with the hacker or the virus to get back your website to normal. This is where StopTheHacker comes in. It is a security technology especially designed to keep you websites safe. Its technologies includes:

  1. Web Malware Detection
  2. Vulnerability Assessment
  3. Uptime Monitoring
  4. Reputation Monitoring

You need a security website because a lot of websites get blacklisted daily by Google, Microsoft and Yahoo due to viruses and malwares injected into your website by hackers. Once your website gets blacklisted no one can access until the malware is removed
But why choose StopTheHacker?
StopTheHacker’s technology was developed with financial backing from the US National Science Foundation which saw how the founders’ initial Ph.D. research would make the internet a safer place. Specifically:

  • StopTheHacker catches more malware
  • It automatically cleans the viruses up
  • It also protects you Facebook page wall

So don’t waste anymore time and visit StopTheHacker.com
To purchase any of its products, please visit the pricing page and choose the solution that’s best for you. If you have questions, please contact sales@stopthehacker.com.

Sucuri Security

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