May 23 2008
Rick Butts Chat

11:33 dmcorp : Can’t he afford fresh gum?

11:33 ustreamer-19593 : 70107 I have my design pen name and my real name is why

11:32 StevieKnight : I’ve seen over 8000 viewers on a ustream show

11:32 ustreamer-89260 : this is pretty cool

11:32 JT_Chandler : you using a mac rick?

11:32 DonnaFox : JTChandler, got it, just confirmed you

11:33 ustreamer-70107 : Why would anyone want to mask their real name? What have you got to hide?

11:33 JT_Chandler : awesome! šŸ˜‰

11:33 TomGREEN : Good dont get a mac.

11:33 StevieKnight : I want a mac

11:33 dmcorp : Can’t he afford fresh gum?

11:33 ustreamer-19593 : 70107 I have my design pen name and my real name is why

11:33 JT_Chandler : << just got an iMac… it’s very cool

11:34 DonnaFox : people ask me all the time if my name is fake

11:34 udoitnow : who in the hell was he anyway RJ

11:34 ustreamer-86669 : I have about 6 macs. They’re great for video.

11:34 KeithGoodrum : Rick how do you cloak your affiliate links?

11:34 ustreamer-70107 : Just we’ve always used our real names – that’s what people know us by!

11:34 ustreamer-70107 : Gary & Viktoria

11:34 kkharrison : exactly

11:34 ustreamer-9545 : A-Team LOL

11:34 anniebinns : You’re scaring my cat.

11:34 bryanclark82 : wow

11:34 victorcab-1 : tell us about some of those failures and lessons learned

11:34 yobeeone : I love this show. LOL

11:34 udoitnow : takes me back Rick

11:34 dmcorp : You can cloak links with a .htaccess file.

11:34 TomGREEN : I thought you were Mr T

11:34 sbm1 : sounded more like Mr. T

11:34 JT_Chandler : mr. t rules

11:34 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:34 WaltGoshert : Mike Tyson? Mr. T?

11:35 hughfr : Mr. T is cool

11:35 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:35 ustreamer-70107 : Not really failures per say as much as opportunity! We take the positive out of everything!

11:35 ustreamer-86669 : You could always use a php redirect.

11:35 Tami-C : easylinkmanager is awesome!

11:35 ustreamer-19593 : Rick mmm how do you get so much energy lol

11:35 victorcab-1 : $$$$$

11:35 ustreamer-70107 : One lesson: NEVER lead with product!

11:35 neurozack : elm link didn’t work, FYI

11:35 anniebinns : My cat is logging in.

11:35 rockynate : I just twittered you

11:35 StevieKnight : Your aff link was no good

11:35 kkharrison : Nika’s on her mobile

11:35 ustreamer-70107 : Relationship Marketing – Make a friend first!

11:35 bryanclark82 : my mom doesnt know how to turn on the computer or i would

11:35 dmcorp : You’re on USTREAM home page.

11:35 anniebinns : SWEET!

11:35 ustreamer-74066 : j mo was drunk last night

11:35 victorcab-1 : twhril rocks

11:35 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:35 ustreamer-74066 : jason moffatt

11:36 yobeeone : twhirl is awesome

11:36 kkharrison : have you seen friendfeeder

11:36 hughfr : Rick not working

11:36 ustreamer-86669 : Moffatt prank called me on his show. .

11:36 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:36 KeithGoodrum : twhirl rocks

11:36 rockynate : you hit 50 for a second there…

11:36 ustreamer-97547 : iwhirl is free?

11:36 DonnaFox : @successfool is the bomb

11:36 kkharrison : the call was not there

11:36 victorcab-1 : twhirl is free

11:36 StevieKnight : I’m going to watch the replay!

11:36 JT_Chandler : RICK… put a link to your colorado internet club

11:36 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:36 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:36 JT_Chandler : you type good

11:36 udoitnow : yaaaa—50

11:37 rockynate : DUDE. You on the USTREAM HOMEPAGE

11:37 StevieKnight : Rick…need your aff link to ELM again

11:37 kkharrison : kewl

11:37 StevieKnight : that one wasn’t good

11:37 udoitnow : 50

11:37 udoitnow : 51

11:37 DonnaFox : Great job Rick! Woo-hoo 50! Now go for your age!

11:37 DonnaFox : (ducks)

11:37 ustreamer-97547 : lol

11:37 JT_Chandler : LOL

11:37 StevieKnight : 51 on chat…66 viewers total

11:37 Rick_Butts-1 : Everybody Twitter this beast!

11:37 TomGREEN : South park colorado?

11:37 kkharrison : did already

11:37 WaltGoshert : Went to watch Oprah

11:37 ustreamer-86669 : Everybody CHUNG

11:38 DonnaFox : oh, great catch Stevie, you do have 70 viewers

11:38 Tami-C : wheres BaryO?

11:38 DonnaFox : 51 in chat

11:38 rockynate : uh oh… starting to rain!!!!

11:38 ustreamer-7962 : WALT. its chris flores helllo!

11:38 udoitnow : I haven’t figured out twitter yet…what is it’s purpose…If you answer, maybe I’ll start to tweet

11:38 WaltGoshert : hey chris

11:38 ustreamer-19593 : there is also a twitter extension for firefox that sits in the browser window that makes it easy to post to twitter

11:38 ustreamer-97547 : this is show is better then pirillo! šŸ™‚

11:38 StevieKnight : Twitter is an amazing…real time…social network…the best I’ve used.

11:39 ustreamer-70107 : Gotta run guys, weekend company! Everyone have the greatest Memorial Day Weekend! Say a prayer for our troops and military families! Blessings to all!

11:39 StevieKnight : Good for business…great to add connection to other peeps while you work online too

11:39 ustreamer-71677 : hey susanne that was a good tip :-9

11:39 ustreamer-71677 : šŸ™‚

11:39 ustreamer-9545 : how do I log in?

11:39 foodie : I have twittered you 2 now – I am surfsusan …

11:39 udoitnow : HEY RICK! I asked you a question about tweeting

11:39 ustreamer-74066 : what software

11:39 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:39 ustreamer-71677 : I have twittered too

11:39 yobeeone : I love that book!

11:39 ustreamer-86669 : I have that book. It’s lovely.

11:39 StevieKnight : That’s a good book! I’ve read it. Recommended!

11:39 kkharrison : yes it is

11:39 KeithGoodrum : is it get off your butt or your butts?

11:39 ustreamer-19593 : you can aslo add twitter to g talk and post through g talk

11:40 foodie : 71677 are you talking to me?

11:40 bryanclark82 : i’m too pretty

11:40 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:40 udoitnow : Oh, I have it already..It’s a great book!!

11:40 ustreamer-86669 : I like big butts (and I can not lie.)

11:40 WaltGoshert : I don’t have room on my mac hard-drive…

11:40 ustreamer-71677 : why am I 71677 and you are foodie… grrr

11:40 JT_Chandler : christina is awesome!

11:40 ustreamer-19593 : lol 86669

11:41 foodie : go to and log in

11:41 rockynate : good thing I took all this equipment out to the back deck to get ready… and now the rain comes!

11:41 foodie : on top right handside .

11:41 anniebinns : You need props, dude.

11:41 ustreamer-7962 : good enough. šŸ™‚

11:41 rockynate : no sing. singing bad.

11:41 ustreamer-19593 : he needs the glasses

11:41 ustreamer-19593 : and a fro

11:41 hughfr : sweet home is cool

11:41 ustreamer-86669 : Feeling Your Way Up The Stairway To Alabama

11:41 foodie : I am tone deaf šŸ™‚

11:42 udoitnow : Ojays or Robert Plant

11:42 ustreamer-7962 : How do I get my name up here?

11:42 udoitnow : Get The Led Out!!

11:42 WaltGoshert : Play Free Bird!

11:42 StevieKnight : You now have 50 chatters/83 viewers

11:42 ustreamer-19593 : Godsmack re did a Zepplin tune

11:42 udoitnow : Love Free Bird Walt–man that takes me back to doing all sorts of things

11:43 ustreamer-86669 : My legal name is ustreamer-86669

11:43 StevieKnight : preach it!

11:43 DonnaFox : wow, profundity from Led Zepplin

11:43 anniebinns : OOOOOH, he’s seen the LIVE version.

11:43 kkharrison : There are still so many comments on your blog it’s crazy

11:43 WaltGoshert : Yeah… me too

11:43 foodie : LOL ustreamer-86669

11:43 udoitnow : But those were really some good days Walt

11:43 ustreamer-86669 : OK, my real name is actually Frank

11:43 charkamman : ustreamer-86669 I want to marry you LOL

11:43 DonnaFox : 79 viewers though

11:43 yobeeone : Ed Dale’s cool

11:43 DonnaFox : I couldn’t get on your chat from your blog

11:43 YvonneLyon : I went from a ustream name to my real name

11:43 sbm1 : what path do you use that works Rick?

11:43 ustreamer-53412 : will these links be posted later? I got dropped and lost all the history

11:43 DonnaFox : had to come to ustream directly

11:44 hughfr : Ed Dale is very cool

11:44 JT_Chandler : Frank Kern is here incognito

11:44 ustreamer-19593 : Ed Dale rocks

11:44 udoitnow : You’re a magic man

11:44 JT_Chandler : so is Jeff walker

11:44 ustreamer-38306 : I’m off to the boat, catch you next time jill

11:44 ustreamer-86669 : He’s much better without Kern, I’ll tel you that.

11:44 DonnaFox : So you have WAY more people viewing… that’s the point

11:44 ustreamer-19593 : anyone ever use Yaro Staraks Blog Mastermind

11:44 dmcorp : pick a niche and milk it

11:44 anniebinns : Milk it? Beat the out of it.

11:44 yobeeone : Love Yaro’s blog

11:44 anniebinns : OMG it let me curse! Sorry, I thot it would censor.

11:45 anniebinns :

11:45 WaltGoshert : E-Myth rocks…

11:45 charkamman : it did annie

11:45 charkamman : LOL

11:45 anniebinns : Oh. The curse word shows up on my screen.

11:45 ustreamer-19593 : yobeeone I was in on the first group of students

11:45 udoitnow : Rick it took me a long time to get there too

11:45 yobeeone : Cool!

11:45 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:45 ustreamer-19593 : it is definately worth the money

11:46 neurozack : would love a link to the emyth.

11:46 YvonneLyon : can I add my graphics link?

11:46 dmcorp : she made my favicon

11:46 dmcorp : it rocks

11:46 ustreamer-3255 : talking head

11:46 ustreamer-38306 : yo rick, the blindman says hi!

11:46 ustreamer-30970 : is my name there?

11:46 ustreamer-30970 : shoot

11:46 ustreamer-30970 : nevermind

11:46 WaltGoshert : Michel Gerber’s stuff

11:46 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:46 hughfr : he’s his daughter LOL

11:46 neurozack : great, thanks Walt . . .

11:46 ustreamer-86669 : Does Internet Marketing work?

11:46 dmcorp : LOL thanks man

11:46 RDW-SoCal : & HOT 2!!!!

11:46 ustreamer-19593 : can I post a link to an article I wrote this week

11:47 kkharrison : it is excellent

11:47 sbm1 : already a subscriber!!

11:47 Chris_Flores :

11:47 Chris_Flores : alright im in

11:47 foodie : Yvonne I like to see your website šŸ™‚

11:47 Tami-C : his daughter does do great graphics!

11:47 ustreamer-19593 : lol thanks man

11:47 WaltGoshert : Chris… good job!

11:47 Chris_Flores : ha. thanks

11:47 Chris_Flores : this is awesome i gotta say

11:47 YvonneLyon : starting my graphics site

11:47 WaltGoshert : michael campbell’s url?

11:48 Chris_Flores : ooh im on it

11:48 JT_Chandler : web jibber

11:48 dmcorp : She made a favicon from my twitter icon

11:48 ustreamer-48163 : It says 48 by your name but on the ustream viewer it shows 83

11:48 WaltGoshert : Thwirl?

11:48 ustreamer-86669 : Bye Ricky. Keep making snot flinging fist fulls of cash. I gotta split.

11:48 ustreamer-19593 :

11:48 ustreamer-86669 : Didn’tmean to type “Ricky”

11:48 ustreamer-86669 : Weird.

11:48 JT_Chandler : told you

11:49 ustreamer-86669 : See ya’ man.

11:49 sbm1 : is it ezIne or eZine?

11:49 ustreamer-19593 : real honest free methods to market yourself

11:49 JT_Chandler : Frank ROCKS

11:49 ustreamer-86669 : Mass Control doesn’t work.

11:49 hughfr : JMO was on last night, anyone there ? it rocked

11:49 DonnaFox : emoticon.. is it emote-icon, or emoti-con?

11:49 ustreamer-86669 : Don’t be silly.

11:49 kkharrison : like maga-zine

11:49 ustreamer-86669 : Jenius.

11:49 ustreamer-87304 : with a capital “J”

11:49 ustreamer-86669 : Bye everyone. Got a meeting. Join my downline.

11:50 JT_Chandler : If he could only get rid of that lampre Jason šŸ˜‰

11:50 hughfr : enjoy 69

11:50 JT_Chandler : you’re right rick

11:50 hughfr : lol hes cool though

11:50 mike_wesely : “jenius” thats a one of dem internot words

11:50 ustreamer-87304 : what’s wrong with big launches?

11:51 JT_Chandler : see ya Frank… enjoy that 2k i sent ya

11:51 ustreamer-87304 : Rick… I thought you loved me?

11:51 ustreamer-19593 : internet marketing requires a different psychological perspective

11:51 Chris_Flores : big launches is like farting and and saying you’re a producer of natural gas

11:51 Chris_Flores : like russia

11:51 foodie : LOL Chris_Flores

11:52 udoitnow : lol cris

11:52 udoitnow : chirs

11:52 StevieKnight : Chris…you’re killing me!LOL!

11:52 kkharrison : is a launch like a wedding day – big buld-up, then…

11:52 Chris_Flores : ha

11:52 udoitnow : chris–cant spell today

11:52 foodie : LOL

11:52 Chris_Flores : its okay

11:52 kkharrison : or the finger

11:52 anniebinns : HA – thot he had to go pee there for a sec.

11:52 Chris_Flores : any othe rbig launch analogy

11:52 Chris_Flores : ?

11:52 JT_Chandler : you in here walker?

11:52 Chris_Flores : we got farting, weddings

11:52 Chris_Flores : ..

11:52 sbm1 : did rick just step on his dog??

11:53 anniebinns : LMAO

11:53 yobeeone : lol

11:53 mike_wesely : hes peein for campbel?

11:53 ustreamer-19593 : I think that is why I like Yaro’s BMM program he didn’t over hype it

11:53 charkamman : he mads you there šŸ™‚

11:53 SerenaMiraAsta : Cool!

11:53 yobeeone : I love that book too!

11:53 hughfr : hint hint… wink wink

11:53 udoitnow : me too yobeeone

11:53 foodie : Hi Charlotte

11:54 anniebinns : Hey is there hair in that headshot?

11:54 SerenaMiraAsta : How Biblical?

11:54 StevieKnight : Jim Rohn…now that’s cool…all cool names!

11:54 JT_Chandler : Harry Butts?

11:54 charkamman : hey suso, mads is here too LOL

11:54 StevieKnight : LOL!

11:54 JT_Chandler : mini me

11:54 ustreamer-19593 : lol

11:54 foodie : We are several from Europe …

11:54 yobeeone : ROFL

11:55 Chris_Flores : Thanks… appreciate it. Big Butts … will read tonight.

11:55 charkamman : I’m going to read that tomorrow šŸ˜€

11:55 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:55 bryanclark82 : shut your face lil dog!

11:55 foodie : That is an ebook too?

11:55 charkamman : yes foodie: portugal, denmark, iceland…

11:55 ustreamer-3156 : hi

11:56 ustreamer-19593 : I want to see the puppy dog lol

11:56 WaltGoshert : Get a big dog for your online persona

11:56 Chris_Flores : yea

11:56 charkamman : yes show the doggie!!!

11:56 JT_Chandler : dogs rule

11:56 ustreamer-3156 : Hi Dude. Brad Montgomery here. Love that you still say, “Tha’ts a clue” so often.

11:56 Chris_Flores : get a cougar!

11:56 mike_wesely : just do a close up of the dog – will look bigger

11:56 ustreamer-3156 : Gotta go, but fun to see you online

11:56 ustreamer-19593 : have three cats and they all get in the cam view

11:56 ustreamer-3156 :

11:57 ustreamer-3156 : http:/

11:57 Chris_Flores : yea it took me a minute

11:57 ustreamer-3156 : motivational humor now (brad montgomery)

11:57 Chris_Flores : to sign up

11:57 Chris_Flores : hey .names are cool

11:57 ustreamer-8379 : wow, you’re funny as heck but you don’t take a breathe, hahaha

11:57 ustreamer-8379 : šŸ™‚

11:57 ustreamer-3156 : video at thanks rick. I’m a huge fan bubba!

11:57 ustreamer-8379 : omg YES I HATE that…

11:57 Chris_Flores : SO TRUE

11:57 JT_Chandler : lol

11:57 ustreamer-8379 : the uh uh duh…

11:57 yobeeone : rofl

11:57 SerenaMiraAsta : Did you say you’re giving away that novel? How?

11:58 ustreamer-19593 : <<guilty of stuttering

11:58 udoitnow : Chris would be funnier

11:58 mike_wesely : possibly the rock even

11:58 WaltGoshert : Tele prompters work wonders

11:58 JT_Chandler : we’re screwed

11:58 victorcab-1 : you

11:58 bryanclark82 : i’m not 35 yet… can’t legally run

11:58 JT_Chandler : john reese scares me šŸ˜‰

11:58 WaltGoshert : scary

11:58 ustreamer-19593 : oh yeah RIck I agree

11:58 lisamariemary : John Reese would rock!!

11:58 lisamariemary : hahaha

11:58 udoitnow : me

11:58 ustreamer-19593 : Arnold

11:58 bryanclark82 : me! when i turn 35

11:58 anniebinns : I see that you and Brad go to the same barber.

11:58 JT_Chandler : President Butts

11:58 WaltGoshert : Jesse ventura

11:58 ustreamer-19593 : Terminator

11:59 Chris_Flores : venturas cool

11:59 kkharrison : Arnold is in Santa cruz, it’s burning down

11:59 Chris_Flores : no it wont

11:59 Chris_Flores : ha

11:59 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:59 ustreamer-34242 : their doin a big prelaunch….hanging chads this time?

11:59 YvonneLyon : I was only here for half hour but it’s been great!

11:59 ustreamer-19593 : my kid stiffed me on grapes can you believe that

11:59 Rick_Butts-1 :

11:59 charkamman : I love michelle mcphearson

12:00 kkharrison : thanks

12:00 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:00 dmcorp : Everyone needs a favicon for branding. Hire Rick’s daughter to make yours. She’s great.

12:00 StevieKnight : it’s

12:00 bryanclark82 : link doesn’t work

12:00 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:00 dmcorp :

12:00 StevieKnight : spelling of twhirl

12:00 udoitnow : yea, I love Michelle too and her 30 minutes backlinks work

12:01 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:01 charkamman : yeah she is cool and it works

12:01 foodie : is not working

12:01 kkharrison : all great stuff!

12:01 sbm1 : new FF room.

12:01 kkharrison : it is twhirl

12:01 ustreamer-3001 :

12:01 StevieKnight : make sure you spell twhirl right

12:01 ustreamer-19593 : Rick what bloggin seminars do you recommend going to

12:01 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:01 ustreamer-19593 : blogging

12:01 ustreamer-3001 : don’t park your laptop in front of fire hydrants

12:02 ustreamer-35024 : Hey Rick

12:03 WaltGoshert : Martin… thanks for your link

12:03 dmcorp : Latent semantic indexing

12:03 victorcab-1 : good stuff. thanks

12:03 charkamman : wow this is really cool….

12:03 Chris_Flores : like on smc? with the rss feature?

12:03 Martin-Wales : that so turns me on…latent semantic indexing

12:03 Martin-Wales : lol

12:03 charkamman : Lol martin

12:03 Martin-Wales : Rick you’re a powerhouse of Free Resources

12:04 dmcorp : cool idea, like google alerts but for twitter

12:04 ustreamer-19593 : Squidoo is good

12:04 dmcorp : rss the twitter to your blog

12:04 Martin-Wales : can I roll my Stompernet onto to the lot and trade it in?

12:04 Martin-Wales : 23-squidoo go go go!

12:04 kkharrison : wow this is good

12:04 Martin-Wales : or Martin Wales

12:04 foodie :

12:04 ustreamer-19593 : I have two squidoo lens

12:04 Martin-Wales : tipster Rick!!!

12:04 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:04 scottboulch : Hey Rick Scott Boulch Here

12:05 ustreamer-19593 : you can do alot with Squidoo

12:05 Martin-Wales : Squidoo – boil it, fry it, bbq it

12:05 scottboulch : Thanks for the blog post, great feedback

12:05 ustreamer-19593 : lol Martin

12:05 scottboulch : I was walking my new house for final inspections

12:05 Martin-Wales : one per minute

12:05 StevieKnight : Hey Scott..hi again!

12:05 Martin-Wales : in L.A. living on EST

12:05 scottboulch : Your up early!

12:05 Martin-Wales : need a drink

12:05 KeithGoodrum-1 : Scott Boulch your ebook is GREAT!

12:05 victorcab-1 : i see 91 viewers???

12:05 dmcorp : you have 92 viewers

12:05 kkharrison : get little dog

12:05 bryanclark82 : this guy sucks… what a loser!

12:06 Martin-Wales : what moisturizer do u use on your head?

12:06 bryanclark82 : i love rick!

12:06 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:06 sbm1 : boxers or briefs?

12:06 StevieKnight : now up to 92 viewers and 57 chatters!

12:06 Martin-Wales : and what is Scott’s ebook

12:06 Martin-Wales : ?

12:06 rockynate : who does your hair?

12:06 Martin-Wales : God does his hair

12:06 JT_Chandler : it’s doing wonders mate

12:06 zen_forum : who does your brain, rocky

12:06 dmcorp : yea

12:06 Martin-Wales : voyeurs

12:06 dmcorp : you’re on the ustream home

12:06 Martin-Wales : latent viewers

12:06 zen_forum : looks a little frizzy

12:06 scottboulch : your onn page one of Ustream!

12:06 ustreamer-19593 : lol

12:06 bryanclark82 : lmao!

12:06 Chris_Flores : good one

12:06 KeithGoodrum-1 : I downloaded it at 3am this morning, and couldn’t put it down

12:06 rockynate : Rick does my brain!

12:07 StevieKnight : Page 1! WOW!

12:07 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:07 victorcab-1 : do yourecord these for later playback

12:07 ustreamer-93889 : Have you guys ever heard of Cautro Flats?

12:07 WaltGoshert : Saves on “product”

12:07 bryanclark82 : yeah victor… he des

12:07 scottboulch : Rick is the featured stream on page one, way to go!

12:07 StevieKnight : I just downloaded the book before your show

12:07 christinahills : Hi rick!

12:07 dmcorp : yes

12:07 yobeeone : I love that idea about the emails

12:07 zen_forum : yes, that is how i found you….

12:07 YvonneLyon : oz land lOL

12:07 bryanclark82 : lmao again

12:07 zen_forum : Bert Lahr

12:07 kkharrison : that’ll help

12:07 ustreamer-93889 : Have you guys heard of Cautro Flats?

12:07 KeithGoodrum-1 : loma

12:07 Martin-Wales : anyone want to join a class action law suit

12:07 ustreamer-93889 : ???

12:08 ustreamer-80014 : haha congrats Rick

12:08 Martin-Wales : flagrant abuse of ears by Page One Hosts on Ustream?

12:08 kkharrison : against?

12:08 ustreamer-19593 : goodness I am soo bookmarking you

12:08 anniebinns : Wow, it’s like someone pressed a button. On his head.

12:08 YvonneLyon : love the lion! LOL

12:08 ustreamer-8379 : that’s how I found you. I loaded the website for the first time ever and you’re smiling face was on there… been watching for 15 mins now… LOVE IT!!

12:08 ustreamer-93889 : OMG U GUYS NEED TO WATCH THIS

12:08 kkharrison : haha

12:08 ustreamer-93889 :

12:08 ustreamer-93889 : IM IN THE VIDEO

12:08 Martin-Wales : do you do radio Rick?

12:08 ustreamer-93889 : PLZ WATCH IT

12:08 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:08 Martin-Wales : or just TV

12:08 Martin-Wales : ?

12:08 Chris_Flores : im joining today

12:08 SerenaMiraAsta : How does a person get t your novel?

12:08 christinahills : Hi Martin!

12:08 kkharrison : DOG!!!

12:08 ustreamer-93889 :

12:08 ustreamer-93889 : WATCH PLZ

12:08 JT_Chandler : i’m just like rick after a few beers

12:08 anniebinns : Show Us The D-O_G

12:08 rockynate : what’s the best way to monetize a blog?

12:08 Martin-Wales : Hi ShoppingCartQueen

12:08 charkamman : 9 why?

12:09 christinahills : Give us your rant on product launches

12:09 rockynate : Little!

12:09 bryanclark82 : use a dog to monetize!

12:09 victorcab-1 : how affiliate marketing?

12:09 scottboulch : have you talked about Michells call?

12:09 YvonneLyon : I am now following you on twitter-keep me updated !

12:09 zen_forum : following your twitter

12:09 foodie : LOL

12:09 dmcorp : affiliate links in context with content

12:09 charkamman : scottboulch he did

12:09 KeithGoodrum-1 : What about dancing bear ads?

12:09 Martin-Wales : hurrah!

12:09 ustreamer-19593 : market what you blieve in

12:09 Martin-Wales : imagine

12:09 Martin-Wales : anyone for Thai or you prefer Italian?

12:09 WaltGoshert : Get rabid fans and keep ’em happy

12:09 ustreamer-19593 : <<having a hard time typing today

12:09 charkamman : pay attention foodie LOL

12:10 Martin-Wales : starting a blog….

12:10 charkamman : WaltGoshert that’s a cool plan

12:10 victorcab-1 : i’m following you.

12:10 Martin-Wales :

12:10 rockynate : Thai please Martin

12:10 dmcorp : links in body text work best 4 me

12:10 kkharrison : put hot legs on my header

12:10 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:10 Martin-Wales : spicy or mild Rocky?

12:10 WaltGoshert : Cleavage works

12:10 Martin-Wales : I put hotlegs on my head

12:10 rockynate : oh, always as spicy as possible

12:10 Martin-Wales : it worked

12:10 bryanclark82 : i monetize by putting hot pictures of chicks in the sidebar… that redirect to affiliate links

12:11 rockynate : I have no pics in my header. I’m boring.

12:11 Martin-Wales : boring for gold?

12:11 dmcorp : links in paragraphs get 40% more clicks

12:11 Martin-Wales : IM paradox

12:11 kkharrison : nathan is not boring

12:11 rockynate : here little dog…

12:11 Tami-C : hi Martin

12:11 ustreamer-8379 : PUUPPY!!!!

12:11 bryanclark82 : lil dog

12:11 JT_Chandler : min pin

12:11 ustreamer-8379 : Sniz

12:11 charkamman : sheeeesh sure hot pix sell….

12:11 Martin-Wales : hi Tami

12:11 anniebinns : AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12:11 ustreamer-19593 : deep linking works too

12:11 lisamariemary : Awwww….

12:11 Martin-Wales : Rick makes that ugly cat look pretty

12:11 kkharrison : same color as Nika!

12:11 charkamman : cuteeeeeeeeeee

12:11 Martin-Wales : there’s a tip!

12:11 ustreamer-8379 : woobie!!

12:11 kkharrison : you are making Nika crazy

12:11 YvonneLyon : call for the kitty

12:11 Martin-Wales : ruf ruf ruf

12:11 ustreamer-19593 : he is cute

12:11 Chris_Flores : get’em killer!

12:11 bryanclark82 : it’s a dingo!

12:11 anniebinns : At least he didn’t dress her up…

12:12 StevieKnight : All depends on what you’re selling! LOL!

12:12 ustreamer-8379 : Darth Muffin

12:12 KeithGoodrum-1 : Rick how did you teach your cat to bark?

12:12 kkharrison : she has tats

12:12 anniebinns : LMAO

12:12 ustreamer-19593 : imagines the dog in a tutu

12:12 WaltGoshert : Lil’ Dog needs to be in your header Rick

12:12 Martin-Wales : jealous of her coat…we know

12:12 zen_forum : where do you live

12:12 Martin-Wales : lol

12:12 ustreamer-8379 : a little dog in your header? should see a doctor for that.

12:12 bryanclark82 : the dingo ate my baby

12:12 WaltGoshert : yeah… that is kinda wierld

12:13 ustreamer-19593 : oh I think having your pets or kids in a cam ever so often is good

12:13 yobeeone : it’s a miniature carribou with it’s antlers sawed off

12:13 WaltGoshert : seinfeld ref

12:13 zen_forum : what is stumble, etc

12:13 ustreamer-19593 : shows your human

12:13 kkharrison : serious thanks; I got a ton of tips here in one day

12:13 JT_Chandler : who says you can’t stumble your own stuff?

12:13 WaltGoshert : I stumble better after a few beers

12:13 ustreamer-19593 : well no not like that lol

12:13 sbm1 : just don’t call me sweetie!

12:13 charkamman : d Dale does put his child in his video’s she cuter than the dog i think LOL

12:13 Martin-Wales : or bending down in short skirt on her own

12:13 zen_forum : i will “stumble” your posts, if i know what it is

12:13 Chris_Flores : ha!

12:13 ustreamer-32266 : Linear? What does that mean?

12:13 Martin-Wales : serve your customers

12:13 ustreamer-32266 : LOL

12:13 bryanclark82 : time zones

12:13 Martin-Wales : do another show

12:13 Martin-Wales : dufus

12:13 Martin-Wales : yes

12:14 zen_forum : you got featured on ustream

12:14 kkharrison : stumble really spikes traffic

12:14 StevieKnight : they didn’t get the time zone

12:14 Martin-Wales : how to teach site visitors to link back to your blog

12:14 charkamman : WaltGoshert “them” say that

12:14 zen_forum : aha

12:14 lisamariemary : Probably because you just got on the homepage of ustream

12:14 bryanclark82 : topic – signing up for bryan’s newsletter… at

12:14 ustreamer-19593 : StumbleUpon Rocks

12:14 zen_forum : type the link

12:14 bryanclark82 : talk about that for a while rick

12:14 DonnaFox : Yeah, dude, you’re on the front page at Ustream

12:14 StevieKnight : and zen is right…you’re on page one here

12:14 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:14 DonnaFox : that’s why you’re still getting viewers

12:14 Martin-Wales : screen cap it

12:14 Chris_Flores : yea you are

12:14 victorcab-1 : ye

12:14 ustreamer-19593 : I love Stumbling

12:14 Martin-Wales : screen cap it

12:14 WaltGoshert : Stumble it

12:14 kkharrison : any stock tips

12:14 Martin-Wales : like being #1 on Amazon

12:14 Martin-Wales : grab it when it happens!

12:14 ustreamer-64934 : Stumble Upon is definitely worth stumbling upon.

12:15 Martin-Wales : show to your visitors on your site as a graphic later

12:15 Martin-Wales : to show how great you are!

12:15 RDW-SoCal : u feregot preacher 2!!!

12:15 Martin-Wales : he’s a poet,

12:15 DonnaFox : I got the capture, good idea Martin

12:15 DonnaFox : HAILING here in Vegas

12:15 WaltGoshert : Is this a repeat?

12:15 Martin-Wales : he’s a prophet

12:15 bryanclark82 : lapdances?

12:15 Martin-Wales : he’s a a preacher

12:15 StevieKnight : no walt

12:15 charkamman : lol

12:15 Martin-Wales : and he’s pilgrim and a

12:15 JT_Chandler : i didn’t win sh*t when i bought mass control

12:15 Martin-Wales : problem when he’s stoned….

12:16 Martin-Wales : — Kris Kristopherson

12:16 charkamman : LOL

12:16 ustreamer-64934 : Someone has stolen my identity ever since the Ed Dale show. I am Missylol not ustreamer-64934

12:16 Martin-Wales : I’m taking notes

12:16 Martin-Wales : to do a launch now!!

12:16 Martin-Wales : great stuff Rick….

12:16 WaltGoshert : Steam of consciousness blogging… live with Rick Butts

12:16 udoitnow : That is so funny, but so on the money šŸ˜‰

12:16 udoitnow : I’m dying over here

12:17 JT_Chandler : shoulda done this 5 minutes ago when jeff walker was in the house

12:17 victorcab-1 : who did this?

12:17 anniebinns : It’s the eyebrows… I’m sure it’s the eybrows.

12:17 zen_forum : Rick is a good speaker, with a pleasing personality

12:17 victorcab-1 : jeez. what a crook

12:17 WaltGoshert : And great hair and a lil dog

12:17 Martin-Wales : you CAN create an “anticipation marketing” campaign without the carsalesmen hype

12:17 Martin-Wales : don’t blame Jeff Walker

12:17 hughfr : LOL

12:17 dmcorp : No its direct marketing

12:17 foodie : just stuembled this page šŸ™‚

12:18 Martin-Wales : people can use hammer to build a house or rob a jewelry store by breaking window

12:18 dmcorp : internet marketing and direct marketing – very different

12:18 ustreamer-8379 : i hope you don’t live in a van, down by the river. šŸ™‚

12:18 charkamman : is another twitter search engine, but not as good as your’s

12:18 Martin-Wales : it’s the IM guys slamming thru lists that abuse it

12:18 Martin-Wales : Rick you’re right

12:18 Martin-Wales : stop the hype

12:18 Martin-Wales : the SPEED….

12:18 Martin-Wales : yes..Rick

12:18 dmcorp : unsubscribe from all of them

12:18 WaltGoshert : Yeah… direct marketers understand, it’s not a biz

12:18 Martin-Wales : 2 bulls top of a hill

12:18 dmcorp : I didn’t get even one stomper offer

12:18 dmcorp : and it was peaceful

12:19 kkharrison : haha

12:19 dmcorp : Telling people to clear cookies is unethical.

12:19 Martin-Wales : young bull says….let’s go run down there and do a cow

12:19 DonnaFox : 96 viewers, Rick

12:19 DonnaFox : you’re almost at 100

12:19 JT_Chandler : personally i think you need to get on these lists and buy the products to understand the process… once you get it then opt out

12:19 Martin-Wales : older bull says “Let’s walk down there and do them ALL.”

12:19 ustreamer-84666 : thank you Rick! AMEN!

12:19 Martin-Wales : people OWN their computers,

12:19 scottboulch : Most IM’er who sell to IM’ers cant live in the “Real” business world!

12:19 Martin-Wales : free country to clear cookies

12:19 ustreamer-8379 : very good point

12:19 udoitnow : you can’t get off some of these guys list no matter what you do

12:20 Martin-Wales : use your web site to win credibility

12:20 WaltGoshert : Right idea JT…and the price is right

12:20 Martin-Wales : and close $50,000 contracts OFF line

12:20 ustreamer-19593 : <<doesn’t use ad sense

12:20 ustreamer-8379 : that’s why i always suggest, gmail, great spam blocker.

12:20 victorcab-1 : you talking about JoelCom?

12:20 Martin-Wales : nobody talks about Joel Comm

12:20 Martin-Wales : cept Rick

12:20 Martin-Wales : hee hee

12:20 bryanclark82 : *cough couch* ed dale

12:20 bryanclark82 : *cough

12:20 Martin-Wales : Tellman me about it

12:20 Martin-Wales : I mean Tell me about it

12:20 Martin-Wales : yeah Jack H.!!

12:21 ustreamer-88271 : u crazy mang

12:21 ustreamer-8379 : if you believe your email spam, then you’d think all men need viagra

12:21 udoitnow : That was funny Martin

12:21 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:21 bryanclark82 : jack rocks… if i get one more email from ed dale though… i’m gonna throw down on australia as a whole

12:21 Martin-Wales : ty, tyvm

12:21 ustreamer-88271 : stop it

12:21 ustreamer-19593 : what they don’t wow I have been severely mis informed

12:21 Martin-Wales : Tellman or bulls

12:21 Martin-Wales : hee hee

12:21 ustreamer-88271 : login for site plz

12:21 Martin-Wales : they used that in movie Colors

12:21 JT_Chandler : how much is ol bill making ya suppose

12:21 ustreamer-92855 : Stompernet is awesome quit your and switch tactic Butts!!

12:21 Martin-Wales : classic

12:22 mike_wesely : i will remember that next time i go to wal martin

12:22 zen_forum : it looks like costs MONEY…

12:22 udoitnow : Tellman all hairy now

12:22 scottboulch : Almost all scarcity is Flase

12:22 Martin-Wales : wal?

12:22 kkharrison : it’s free

12:22 ustreamer-19593 : no it doesn’t cost zen

12:22 ustreamer-92855 : Butts appropriate name

12:22 Chris_Flores : EXACTLY. i said this on smc AND your blog on stompernet

12:22 bryanclark82 : usreamer-92855 – he talked earlier about how awesome stompternet was….

12:22 JT_Chandler : rick said he wasn’t amking any money a few minutes ago šŸ˜€

12:22 victorcab-1 : and money…

12:22 ustreamer-19593 : it only costs if you want the premium package

12:22 dmcorp : Yep it’s all about focus

12:22 kkharrison : who is 92855

12:23 Martin-Wales : the person after 92854??

12:23 ustreamer-92855 : yes!

12:23 Martin-Wales : I knew it!!!!

12:23 bryanclark82 : no idea… a heckler of some sort… probably rick’s daughter

12:23 kkharrison : kinda rude

12:23 Rick_Butts-1 : 1000 True Fans

12:23 ustreamer-88271 : that’s what she said

12:23 ustreamer-32266 : I send all those emails to my yahoo account and sometimes I read them…

12:23 udoitnow : Martin you should be on the show with Rick

12:23 Martin-Wales : debate is healthy

12:23 zen_forum : thanks 19593

12:23 hughfr : its all about focus

12:23 KeithGoodrum-1 : great article

12:23 WaltGoshert : Amen Brother Rick, and play more golf…

12:23 Martin-Wales : even a blind person can focus

12:23 bryanclark82 : well… since he hit the front page, i guess we’ll get the retards here now

12:24 zen_forum : debate was not so healthy for Socrates (hemlock)

12:24 Martin-Wales : your eyes distract you

12:24 Tami-C : Rick – how does your consulting work?

12:24 ustreamer-19593 : np zen

12:24 Martin-Wales : your senses lie

12:24 Martin-Wales : focus in your mind

12:24 Martin-Wales : your senses lie

12:24 sbm1 : Should offsite links on your blog open in a new window?

12:24 ustreamer-92855 :

12:24 udoitnow : gimma da link

12:24 scottboulch : LOL!

12:24 Martin-Wales : the moon is not a source of light at nigh

12:24 scottboulch : Classic

12:24 ustreamer-19593 : zen hey when you get signed up go take a look at my stumble page

12:24 ustreamer-88271 : SBM1: No

12:24 ustreamer-32266 : LOL

12:24 WaltGoshert : I get around…

12:24 Martin-Wales : it only REFLECTS sunshine

12:24 victorcab-1 : good one

12:25 ustreamer-19593 : wildheart4vr

12:25 Martin-Wales : yes, new window

12:25 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:25 ustreamer-88271 : It’s annoying, pop-up blockers, etc.

12:25 Martin-Wales : why have them come to you after great effort

12:25 udoitnow : LOL

12:25 Martin-Wales : only to leave

12:25 DonnaFox : I agree, Martin, absolutely

12:25 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:25 DonnaFox : Rick has a great way of taking a yes/no answer and making it LONG

12:25 Martin-Wales : have a site with NO outbound links

12:25 JT_Chandler : Walt check your facebook invites

12:25 Martin-Wales : I DARE you….

12:25 DonnaFox : haha

12:25 ustreamer-92855 : and switch

12:26 ustreamer-92855 : they suck, buy my product

12:26 DonnaFox : that’s why you’re so good at this

12:26 Martin-Wales : I failed….especially at

12:26 Martin-Wales : comments with links

12:26 sbm1 : i asked because most of the blogs i visit have content links that send the reader offsite.

12:26 Martin-Wales : Donna is a fox….

12:26 mike_wesely : he said LONG TALE

12:26 WaltGoshert : Thanks JT

12:26 Martin-Wales : rick has no books Donna

12:26 DonnaFox : Thank you Martin

12:26 Martin-Wales : he makes it all up

12:26 JT_Chandler : awesome šŸ˜‰

12:26 udoitnow : gimme da link about the long tail stuff

12:26 bryanclark82 : 92855 – how’s it bait and switch… he didn’t say anyone’s product sucked… he even said earlier that the stompernet series that you seem to be so fond of was a good program!

12:26 ustreamer-19593 : one thing I hate are these long 6 page sales letters

12:26 Martin-Wales : I love US national anthem

12:26 Martin-Wales : great war song

12:27 Martin-Wales : it’s the approach

12:27 YvonneLyon : you can come to my bbq anytime Rick, I’ll even get out the karoke machine for you LOL

12:27 Martin-Wales : APPROACH of marketing

12:27 JT_Chandler : too bad the rockstar thing didn’t work out for ya rick šŸ˜‰

12:27 bryanclark82 : geez rick… that’s what i said… get with the times buddy

12:27 Martin-Wales : not the objective

12:27 Martin-Wales : better life

12:27 Martin-Wales : it’s the TONE

12:27 Martin-Wales : million for nothing

12:27 Martin-Wales : too good to be true

12:27 bryanclark82 : i’m the bouncer here

12:27 JT_Chandler : build a list… build a list… build a list

12:27 bryanclark82 : <—–top flight security of da world craaaaig

12:27 ustreamer-88271 : Why is Commision Junction so terrible

12:27 Martin-Wales : we called it a Name Sqz

12:28 Martin-Wales : IF you offer value, it’s okay…

12:28 Martin-Wales : they can always leave….

12:28 Martin-Wales : you don’t have to use a Sqz

12:28 WaltGoshert : Think markets beyond Internet Marketing… it’s a big world out there when you get your Butt off the ‘puter

12:28 ustreamer-19593 : 88271 I signed up on CJ and am not having any luck getting affiliate links to work

12:28 Martin-Wales : most retailers have ONE door to get in their store

12:28 dmcorp : Jonathan Mizel coined the phrase name squeeze

12:28 Martin-Wales : yes he did

12:28 dmcorp : now we just call it a squeeze page

12:28 Martin-Wales : you’re ON the internet

12:29 Martin-Wales : BE 7 Eleven

12:29 Martin-Wales : Not Neihmen Marcus

12:29 neurozack : i read your e-book, Rick, within 24 hours of downloading šŸ™‚

12:29 dmcorp : trademarked it too

12:29 bryanclark82 : 19593 – that can be any number of a million things… not targeted to your site, bad offer, wrong implementation, etc. etc. etc.

12:29 Martin-Wales : have pages (doors) everywhere

12:29 neurozack : fine . . .

12:29 udoitnow : Question for you Rick..listen

12:29 dmcorp : blog and ping ruled for like 4 months

12:29 Martin-Wales : Rick’s song

12:29 Martin-Wales : “Who Let the Dog In”

12:29 Martin-Wales : didn’t go far either

12:29 ustreamer-19593 : bryanclark what do you recommend I do

12:29 JT_Chandler : lol

12:29 ustreamer-92855 :

12:30 Martin-Wales : where do I learn to type fast udoitnow?

12:30 SerenaMiraAsta : Oh, don’t forget to finish the ethical example of how to use your list….

12:30 ustreamer-92855 : do it!

12:30 bryanclark82 : i don’t know… no idea what your blog is or how you are marketing affiliate links from cj… just keep experimenting

12:30 udoitnow : Whey do a lot of IM courses tell you not to monetize your site before you have LOTS of content on it? I thought we here to make money.

12:30 Martin-Wales : if you don’t spam your list

12:30 ustreamer-19593 : how do I test these before I stick them up on my site

12:30 Martin-Wales : what DO you do to market via them?

12:30 Martin-Wales : or to them?

12:30 udoitnow : it’s there

12:30 Martin-Wales : 19593 – ASK people OFFline

12:30 udoitnow : no, the question is there

12:31 charkamman : Martin-Wales : where do I learn to type fast udoitnow? copy and paste

12:31 ustreamer-19593 : nvrmnd I just answered my own question

12:31 Martin-Wales : what they like? prefer?

12:31 ustreamer-88271 : It’s not hard to tell a site is just there to make money. Plastering sites with ads with no quality content is a good qay to never build an audience

12:31 bryanclark82 : 19593 – hate to be rude… but you’ve got a lot of homework to do… there is NO magic bullet… start reading about affiliate marketing

12:31 Martin-Wales : watch headlines in consumer media

12:31 ustreamer-92855 : bawww sour grapes

12:31 Martin-Wales : watch top 10 searches on SEs

12:31 Martin-Wales : monitor forums in your niche

12:32 bryanclark82 : never heard of click flipping

12:32 ustreamer-19593 : oh your not being rude I appreciate brute honesty if it constructive

12:32 charkamman : bryanclark82 and still then there is lots of mistakes to be made which prevent you from making money

12:32 Martin-Wales : not nec. making mistakes >>> a learning

12:32 ustreamer-72731 : AMEN!

12:32 Martin-Wales : only SUCK if you do not ADJUST

12:32 Martin-Wales : once it fails

12:32 bryanclark82 : yep… that’s completely true… affiliate marketing could be a complete college course… there is so much out there

12:32 charkamman : true

12:32 charkamman : failing FAST and learning fast LOL

12:32 Martin-Wales : keep doig what doesn’t work and complain about IM

12:32 Martin-Wales : duh…..

12:32 udoitnow : Listen Rick, the question was there…you missed it

12:33 Martin-Wales : Succeed FAST and don’t change anything

12:33 ustreamer-92855 : negative

12:33 Martin-Wales : works too

12:33 bryanclark82 : i don’t think any of us in here… or anyone online that can honestly say that we have mastered affiliate marketing… it’s constantly changing

12:33 ustreamer-92855 : no scrolly up

12:33 charkamman : I want that!!!

12:33 Martin-Wales : repeat

12:33 neurozack : copy and paste, udoit

12:33 neurozack : sheesh

12:33 KeithGoodrum-1 : only 95-100 % of the information in my hard drive hasn’t been implemented…

12:33 dmcorp : i have mastered affiliate marketing šŸ™‚

12:33 Martin-Wales : Rick ran out of white space

12:33 Martin-Wales : call the Red Cross

12:33 charkamman : bryanclark82 I think you’re right

12:33 dmcorp : so has Colin McDougall

12:33 Martin-Wales : what was udoitnow’s question, Rick?

12:33 Martin-Wales : that’s my question

12:33 udoitnow : Whey do a lot of IM courses tell you not to monetize your site before you have LOTS of content on it? I thought we here to make money.

12:33 Martin-Wales : find it for me

12:34 Martin-Wales : there u go!

12:34 bryanclark82 : usoitnow – BOGUS INFO!

12:34 udoitnow : Whey do a lot of IM courses tell you not to monetize your site before you have LOTS of content on it? I thought we here to make money.

12:34 bryanclark82 : you can monetize from day one… just do it correctly

12:34 ustreamer-92855 : Whey or milk plasma is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained; it is a by-product of the manufacture of cheese or casein and has several commercial uses. Whey is used to produce ricotta and gjetost cheeses and many other products for human consumption

12:34 Martin-Wales : if someone offers your a Franklin – take it

12:34 udoitnow : Whey do a lot of IM courses tell you not to monetize your site before you have LOTS of content on it? I thought we here to make money.

12:34 JT_Chandler : don’t monetize your squeeze pages

12:34 udoitnow : why

12:34 Martin-Wales : if you sell coaching or services….

12:34 Martin-Wales : you can sell FORWARD

12:35 bryanclark82 : you sound cuban… not cajun

12:35 bryanclark82 : funny nonetheless

12:35 Martin-Wales : the FUTURE instead of waiting to make “products”

12:35 Martin-Wales : membership sites do so

12:35 Martin-Wales : you put up “enough” to win confidence

12:35 bryanclark82 : st. louis!

12:35 dmcorp : to monetize put affiliate links inside your text

12:35 bryanclark82 : not east st. louis!

12:35 Martin-Wales : but you don’t have to build the whole Colesseum

12:35 udoitnow : I like Jon

12:35 bryanclark82 : that’s the hod

12:35 bryanclark82 : *hood

12:35 dmcorp : give em the razor and sell em the blades

12:35 scottboulch : Big difference, I grew up in St. Louis

12:35 ustreamer-32266 : jamaican, not cuban:-)

12:35 scottboulch : but not the Lu

12:35 Martin-Wales : sold a $20,000 one year contract

12:35 JT_Chandler : sales page and squeeze pages should only do one thing.

12:35 Martin-Wales : last weekend

12:35 Martin-Wales : nothing existed yet

12:36 bryanclark82 : no… definitely cuban… he sounded like tony montana

12:36 Martin-Wales : sell you

12:36 charkamman : martin wow I wanna learn that

12:36 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:36 Martin-Wales : confidence in your services

12:36 Martin-Wales : why thank you Wonder Rick…you’re too kind

12:36 bryanclark82 : really scott? where at

12:36 udoitnow : Obviously, not good

12:36 ustreamer-11129 : RAMBLE ON!!

12:36 Martin-Wales : charkamman – call me direct

12:36 ustreamer-66517 : dazed and confused

12:36 Martin-Wales : save $1000

12:36 ustreamer-39962 : “If you chhose not to decide you still have made a choice”

12:37 charkamman : will do

12:37 Martin-Wales : about to check out of this hotel in L.A.

12:37 ustreamer-11129 : that’s not forhead, it’s cranium real estate

12:37 bryanclark82 : good idea!

12:37 ustreamer-92855 : unsubscribe from Rick Butts’ list

12:37 Martin-Wales : so they can clean up the bottles and passed-out partiers

12:37 ustreamer-11129 : lol

12:37 udoitnow : I have put it up there, but you hear so much conflicting info…I guess I haven’t unsubcribed from enough list

12:37 ustreamer-66517 : rent my butt

12:37 JT_Chandler : don t go there mate

12:37 sbm1 : got 6 new Twitter followers from my comment on Rick’s blog.

12:37 Martin-Wales : 310-615-0015 rm 2808

12:37 anniebinns : Perhaps you could charge a premium for your favorite cheek.

12:37 Martin-Wales : soon to be fumigated…

12:37 Rick_Butts-1 : comment luv

12:37 StevieKnight : Yeah…I’m one of them! LOL!

12:37 kkharrison : udoitnow: I know what you mean

12:38 sbm1 : hi stevie! lol

12:38 udoitnow : yea kk it’s ridiculous

12:38 JT_Chandler : hery Martin i sent you an invite on FaceBook

12:38 bryanclark82 : you’re way too late 92855… we all unsubscribed from rick’s list weeks ago… we’re just here for the booze..

12:38 ustreamer-11129 : hic.

12:38 ustreamer-92855 : yes! blog spam Ricks blog!

12:38 Martin-Wales : thanks JT

12:38 ustreamer-92855 : lol bryan

12:39 Chris_Flores : sorry this is off topic … what was the twitter show you were going to do about?

12:39 ustreamer-11129 : I like rick butts, and I cannot lie

12:39 ustreamer-92855 : wow amazing… pig butts traffic

12:39 Drwright : Go RIck! its your birthday!!

12:39 ustreamer-19593 : He’s got big butts she’s got big butts

12:39 bryanclark82 : 92855… if you don’t want to be here… you are free to leave! we happen to like rick… he’s my favorite bald guy besides mr. clean

12:39 sbm1 : i didn’t spam 92855, i left a comment with a link in my sig!

12:39 JT_Chandler : makin bacon

12:39 Drwright : Yesah!

12:39 ustreamer-92855 : your rappin sucks

12:39 charkamman : is that your website Marin?

12:39 ustreamer-11129 : take yyer pants off it’s yer birthdaaaay

12:39 udoitnow : LOL

12:39 Chris_Flores : really you know the words?

12:39 Drwright : OH!

12:39 Chris_Flores : ha

12:40 bryanclark82 : lmfao

12:40 ustreamer-19593 : but Ricks got the Biggest butt great Butts of Fire

12:40 bryanclark82 : bling that guy!

12:40 DonnaFox : seems that way šŸ™‚

12:40 ustreamer-11129 : my color is off on my monitor i think

12:40 JT_Chandler : pretty hip ol rick is

12:40 ustreamer-92855 : stick to not making money on the internet

12:40 Drwright : ok, Rick is NOT playin

12:40 yobeeone : LOL

12:40 ustreamer-92855 : cause you cant rap

12:40 Chris_Flores : keep going?

12:40 Chris_Flores : !

12:40 sbm1 : Rick, where’s your grill?

12:40 anniebinns : I’m impressed.

12:40 DonnaFox : I always new Rick was cool, just not HOT cool LOL

12:40 Drwright : ok, He is very cool

12:40 Chris_Flores : if they hate

12:40 bryanclark82 : rick… think it’s time for a ban of 92855

12:40 Drwright : you got my vote Rick!

12:40 bryanclark82 : he’s a tool!

12:40 ustreamer-92855 : bbawww

12:40 kkharrison : yep

12:40 DonnaFox : that’s funny 92855

12:40 Chris_Flores : actually that was pretty good

12:40 udoitnow : Yea Donna, he’s hot!

12:40 kkharrison : YES

12:40 bryanclark82 : YES… HE’S A DOUCHE

12:41 ustreamer-92855 : hells no

12:41 ustreamer-11129 : lookit them guns!

12:41 kkharrison : out yourself

12:41 sbm1 : don’t feed the troll!

12:41 udoitnow : Free style

12:41 ustreamer-11129 : you were a little pitchy dog.

12:41 JT_Chandler : lol

12:41 udoitnow : can you dance like Usher

12:41 ustreamer-92855 : do you have a successful youtube show? who knew?!

12:41 bryanclark82 : it’s always got good content

12:41 ustreamer-11129 : awwww

12:41 anniebinns : Oh where’d he go?

12:41 dmcorp : Thanks Rick

12:41 kkharrison : great

12:41 charkamman : that was cool

12:41 ustreamer-11129 : thanks rick!

12:41 lisamariemary : Ok, that was odd

12:41 JT_Chandler : C YA Rick

12:42 ustreamer-92855 : that was lame as hell… per usual

12:42 anniebinns : GREAT SHOW!!

12:42 StevieKnight : that was fun…thanks Rick…kids are wondering if we’ll have lunch today….I’ll blame it on you.

12:42 bryanclark82 : great show

12:42 JT_Chandler : nice chatting with you guys

12:42 sbm1 : Ladies & Gentelmen, Rick has left the building

12:42 kkharrison : uuurp

12:42 bryanclark82 : 92855 still a douche

12:42 WaltGoshert : Good times Rick thanks

12:42 JT_Chandler : I’m out

12:42 lisamariemary : Thanks so much, Rick – enjoyed it! šŸ™‚

12:42 lisamariemary : YOU ROCK!

12:42 ustreamer-92855 : bawww bryan

12:42 Rick_Butts-1 : The replay of this whole show will be online on my site

12:42 yobeeone : that was great

12:42 charkamman : thanks rick

12:42 Rick_Butts-1 : and it will be on the Ustream Channel

12:42 Rick_Butts-1 : in the mean time

12:42 neurozack : gurgling wondertwin powers, that was persnickety dang good!

12:42 Rick_Butts-1 : and it IS a mean time

12:42 yobeeone : thanks rick

12:42 lisamariemary : Groovy

12:42 udoitnow : Thanks Rick!

12:43 ustreamer-295 : That was fun, Rick. Even learned something – imagine that!

12:43 charkamman : and tnx martin, will p+hone you necxt week if thats ok for you

12:43 Rick_Butts-1 : go to and subscribe to the best darn newsletter in teh world

12:43 neurozack : best rant yet šŸ™‚

12:43 WaltGoshert : Now what’ll I do?

12:43 ustreamer-92855 : then unsubscribe immediately!!

12:43 Rick_Butts-1 : dont forget my tip about

12:43 Martin-Wales : charkamman – call 416-657-2520 x 2 next week

12:43 Martin-Wales : or visit

12:43 Rick_Butts-1 : and to download the free big butts of live ebook

12:43 Martin-Wales :

12:43 Martin-Wales : cheers all

12:43 charkamman : ok, will do, tnx martin, looking forward to it

12:44 Rick_Butts-1 : please leave a comment on the blog about the show

12:44 Rick_Butts-1 : and RATE this show 5 Stars!

12:44 ustreamer-92855 : or 1

12:44 yobeeone : lol

12:44 Martin-Wales : 4.5

12:44 Martin-Wales : the dog could have been on more

12:44 Rick_Butts-1 : It was a thrill to be a part of this today – subscribe to my email noificaton on the site – and you’ll know when it comes on again

12:44 sbm1 : time for my after glow cigarette. Thanks Rick

12:44 Rick_Butts-1 : next week

12:44 Martin-Wales : xo

12:44 Rick_Butts-1 : Tweet me!

12:44 ustreamer-92855 : subscribe subscribe

12:44 ustreamer-92855 : or not

12:45 charkamman : tweet

12:45 Rick_Butts-1 :

12:45 Rick_Butts-1 : Whomever Ustreamer-9255 is a girlie man

12:45 ustreamer-92855 : yes 9255

12:45 ustreamer-92855 : wimp!

12:45 ustreamer-92855 : haha

12:45 charkamman : following you rick

12:45 Rick_Butts-1 : so I kicked ’em

12:45 bryanclark82 : hey rick… if you’

12:45 Rick_Butts-1 : I just figured out how to do it

12:45 sbm1 : YEAH!

12:46 Rick_Butts-1 : I’ll sit here on chat for a moment

12:46 lisamariemary : Can you fave the show on ustream?

12:46 charkamman :

12:46 Rick_Butts-1 : yes

12:46 Rick_Butts-1 : got ya charkamman

12:46 bryanclark82 : hey rick… if you’re still single… just got an email from the e-harmony affiliate program for my dating site saying they have a free weekend!!!! go get ‘cha a wifey!

12:46 Rick_Butts-1 : I think I can grab this whole chat and make it a text download

12:46 bryanclark82 : šŸ˜›

12:46 StevieKnight :

12:46 charkamman : šŸ™‚ goooood

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