Jan 27 2010
Reusable personal hand towels

Have you ever realized how much you contribute to the pollution and destruction to earth atmosphere by using use-and-throw towels? This small fact has created a big concern for use since it has been calculated that virtually every man on earth has a personal towel that is not used more than twice or thrice. This discarded towel takes years together to decompose creating havoc in the natural balance and hence should be tackled.

The paper towels used largely by many people are manufactured at the cost of many hopeless trees. Everyday, there is a huge waste of paper, to the tune of millions of tons. The decomposing of these paper towels are another headache and contributes largely to global warming. There is also a large impact on water since these paper towels pollute the water badly.

This concern was identified by people-towels group taking an inch to re-organizing the lost balance and bringing back the ecological harmony. It has introduced the sustainable and reusable personal towel that can be recycled as long as it allows. At least you don’t consider yourself responsible for the waste caused by these neglected causes.

Here are few briefs of the features offered:

a) These towels come in different materials varying from reusable cotton to recyclable materials.

b) You save a quarter of a tree from felling by using one such reusable towel.

c) These towels dry much quicker than the paper towels and also provide dry surface for your hands.

d) There are a lot of themes available for these towels making it fun to use and also contribute silently for our good.

So, next time you wipe or dry your hands with paper towels, think of your part of the damage done to the environment. Make use of this opportunity and prove your concern towards it.


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