Apr 19 2010
Rent textbooks from eCampus.com

If you don’t want to buy the books, you have facility to have them on rent at Ecampus.com. It is place for you to rent a book which ever you want for a certain period and then you can return the same.

Go to their search tool, mention the title of the book with the help of their search tool and select the time period you would like to have the book for, add it onto your cart. There are different shipping methods that you can select to receive the book like 4 to 14 business days, 3 to 15 business days, two business days or one business day or even 48 hours. You can have the book either for 130 days, 90 days, 60 days or 30 days, or if you want to have an extension, you can do so with extra fees.

In order to return the book, you can visit the online account and from there you can print your free UPS return shipping label and slip, pack your book and drop at UPS location.

Ecampus.com is the best place especially for the students who are pursuing their short term courses and what else you can save lot of money too as renting is cheap and best. Instead of buying costly books, this is the most feasible way as students can rent the books, utilize them and then return without incurring extra cost.


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