Jan 20 2011
PRODUCE in the PARK Monrovia Feb 5, 2011

9am – 11am
1st Saturday of the Month
Library Park
(corner Myrtle and Palm)

Saturday, February 5 · 9:00am – 11:00am

A FREE EVENT where you bring the homegrown goods you have and trade with your neighbors and community members. Open to ALL. Come meet your neighbors, make some new friends and head home with a bag of free produce, herbs and flowers!
COME regardless of whether you have produce to share as part of our purpose is to ensure that the food we grow is used!

Leave the wallet, bring the produce. Tell every neighbor with plentiful fruit trees and every friend with a garden, every student who can’t afford groceries, every child who learned how to share, every organic eater, every community-builder, every earth-lover that now is the time for growing and sharing. Offer to share gardening space if you have it. Help someone pick their produce if they can’t do it. Tear out your lawn and use that water to grow up trees, vegetables, herbs and flowers. Bring it all to monrovia on the first saturday morning every month to share what you have and take what you need. Neighbor helping neighbor and friend helping friend.

Please post any helpful gardening tips, helpful websites, pictures of you in your garden, recipes or available gadening spaces. Share this site with lots and lots of people. The more people we have, the more produce we have to share. E-mail heather at monroviatrades@yahoo.com with any ideas, suggestions or if you’re able to be a produce picking/transporting volunteer.

May your gardens be plentiful.


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