Oct 7 2011
OttLite – Natural Lighting at Your Home

It has been now fifty years since Dr. John Ott made history with his ground breaking research on providing natural lighting in the homes and it is to the credit of his researchers and technicians who are now yet again moving at the end of each spectrum of productivity and research to deliver OttLite lighting at homes.

When it comes to the light, brighter light is not good as it produces different colors which can reflect bleak glare allowing eye muscles to squint. In the same way other light sources also cause high contrast so that objects around the edges appear clear, and what you get is totally distorted color. And more intense the light, more energy will be used and more heat is generated. The best solution at this time is OttLite 508 technology to give you quality lighting and balance of brightness and contrast. The result of this is less glare, reduced eyestrain and low heat.

The lighting system with the articulate shafts, adjustable and beautiful shades and achromatic coating can supply you great illumination at the place required. You can have varieties of beautifully designed bulbs and tubes, different types of desk or table lamps for your home, reading rooms, office or whatever purpose you require. OttLites are also sure to add to the décor of your rooms and give great elegant look too. And what’s more you can have an elegant makeup mirrors too to add to your natural beauty.

In short I can only say that when it comes to natural lighting, trust OttLite. Hurry as there is a limited time offer up to 31st October 2011 of $5 off along with free shipping on minimum purchase of $100 at OttLite.com only. You can use coupon code: OTTLITECJFSDA to avail the offer.


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