Jun 20 2020
Notice of Public Forums for Southern California Edison Company’s 2021 General Rate Case A.19-08-013 @californiapuc @SCE



2021 GENERAL RATE CASE A.19-08-013

Why am I receiving this notice?  Southern California Edison (SCE) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) would like to hear from you. You are invited to participate in a public forum regarding SCE’s application to raise electricity rates. At the public forum, you can make comments and raise concerns with the CPUC’s Administrative Law Judge(s) (Judge) who are overseeing this rate increase request.

How will the public forums be held?  Due to the Governor’s directive and the CPUC’s ongoing efforts to protect customers and community members during COVID-19, there will be no in-person physical location for these public forums.

The public forums can be viewed via internet, or listened to via phone, with the information below. If you wish to make a public comment, please participate by phone using the phone number and passcode below.

Date Time Details
Tuesday, June 30 2 p.m. Phone number:  1-800-857-1917

Passcode:          1673482

Webcast:            www.adminmonitor.com/ca/cpuc/

6 p.m.
Wednesday, July 1 2 p.m.
6 p.m.

Written public comments may also be provided at any time during the proceeding using the “Add Public Comment” button on the “Public Comment” tab of the Docket Card for A.19-08-013, available at cpuc.ca.gov/SCE2021GRCPublicComments.

Bundled service customers’ average rate impacts:

Customer Group Current Average Rates
as of July 2019 (cents/kWh)
Proposed Average Rates
as of January 2021 (cents/kWh)
Total Change
Percentage Change
(% Increase)
Residential 18.1 cents/kWh 20.7 cents/kWh 2.6 cents/kWh 14.4%
Lighting — Small and Medium Power  

17.3 cents/kWh


19.2 cents/kWh


1.9 cents/kWh



Large Power 12.4 cents/kWh 13.5 cents/kWh 1.1 cents/kWh 8.9%
Agricultural 13.7 cents/kWh 15.1 cents/kWh 1.4 cents/kWh 10.2%
Street Lighting 25.5 cents/kWh 26.2 cents/kWh 0.7 cents/kWh 2.7%
Standby 10.2 cents/kWh 10.8 cents/kWh 0.6 cents/kWh 5.9%
Total 16.3 cents/kWh 18.2 cents/kWh 1.9 cents/kWh 11.7%

Note: Total percentage system revenue increase including bundled and non-bundled service customers is 12.9%

The rates and percentages shown above are averages and are not the exact changes you may see in your bill.  Changes in individual bills depend on how much energy each customer uses.

Why is SCE requesting this rate increase?  SCE delivers your electricity. Every four years, SCE must file what is known as a General Rate Case (GRC) application with the CPUC. GRCs set rates that customers pay to fund SCE’s day-to-day operations, including maintenance for its equipment and electricity grid upgrades.

How could this affect my monthly bill?  If SCE’s rate request is approved by the CPUC, the average residential monthly bill would increase by approximately $14 in 2021, $4 in 2022, and $6 in 2023.

How does the rest of the process work?  This application has been assigned to a Judge, who will consider all proposals and evidence presented during the formal hearing process. The Judge will issue a proposed decision which may adopt SCE’s application, modify it or deny it. Any CPUC Commissioner may sponsor an alternate decision. The proposed decision, and any alternate decisions, will be discussed and voted upon by the CPUC Commissioners.

The Public Advocates Office (Cal Advocates) is currently reviewing this application. Cal Advocates is the independent consumer advocate within the CPUC with a statutory mandate to represent customers of investor-owned utilities to obtain the lowest possible rate for service consistent with safe and reliable service and the state’s environmental policy goals. Cal Advocates has a multi-disciplinary staff with expertise in economics, finance, accounting and engineering.  For more information about Cal Advocates, please call 1-415-703-1584, e-mail PublicAdvocatesOffice@cpuc.ca.gov, or visit Cal Advocates’ website at publicadvocates.cpuc.ca.gov.

Where can I get more information?

Contact SCE:

Contact the CPUC:

You may also get information about this proceeding by contacting the CPUC:       

Visit cpuc.ca.gov/SCE2021GRCPublicComments to submit a public comment.
Contact the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s Office if you have questions about CPUC processes:
Phone:  1-866-849-8390 (toll-free) or 1-415-703-2074
Mail:    CPUC Public Advisor’s Office

505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102

Email:   Public.Advisor@cpuc.ca.gov

Sus tarifas pueden aumentar. Para obtener más información por favor comuníquese con nosotros. Los usuarios con acceso al Internet podrán leer y descargar esta notificación en español en el sitio Web de SCE www.sce.com/avisos o escriba a: Southern California Edison Company, P.O. Box 800, 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770. Atención: Comunicaciones Corporativas. Para más detalles en español, llame al 1-800-441-2233 todos los días 8:00-20:00.

Please reference SCE A.19-08-013 in any communications you have with the CPUC regarding this matter.

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