Music Promotional Ideas for the Independent Artist
by: Ty Cohen
Are you one of those people who don’t want to waste all their time searching for a record deal? If you have taken the initiative to be an independent artist, then you have come to the right place. Most likely, you have already recording your CD or album, now you are just looking for more music promotional ideas. Who knows, maybe the more you promote your CD, the better your chance is of catching the eye of a label.
For you, the internet is going to be the most powerful musician resource out there for you. The ways to promote your CD online and offline are endless. Over the next few minutes, I am going to suggest some ways that will help you get your music out there and hopefully bring you some profits in no time.
First of all, whether you already have a web page or not, you need to get yourself a MySpace Music page because it is an awesome and free musician resource that is unbeatable. Then, once you get your website and MySpace page up and running, you need to blog! That’s right, blog every singe day! Blogging is not only a way to build a rapport with your fans but it will also bring more traffic to your site and ideally more sales for your CD. Keep them coming back for more!
Launch parties are great music promotional ideas. Once your CD is ready to be released, plan one! Make it huge! Call the local radio stations and everyone else you know. Print up flyers and bring them to all the music stores and spread the word. Make sure the party matches your style and has plenty of CDs and other merchandise to sell.
A great musician resource is the local radio station or school station. Drop off a free copy to these places because they tend to favor local independent artists and may give you some play time. Just remember to return a favor to them when you make it big!
Obviously, you should also promote your CD at your own show–that is a given. But have you every thought of cross-promoting CDs? A great musician resource is often another musician. You offer to sell another band’s CDs if they will do the same. You can even eventually do this with several bands, if it works out.
As an independent artist, it is up to you to get your music heard. I have given you a few music promotional ideas, now the ball is in your court. You can’t sell any CDs or even promote your CD while standing on the sidelines. Remember, as an independent artist, you hold the key to your own destiny.
About the Author:
Ty Cohen, the online music industry’s most recognizable voice is the former owner of a successful independent record label, current owner of Platinum Millennium publishing and nation-wide music industry seminar speaker and panelist. He is also the author and creator of over 40 best-selling music business books, reports, courses, audio products and other music industry “How to” resources, that have helped tens of thousands of individuals like you to successfully find their way in the music business. Visit for more information on Music Promotional Ideas, How to Promote Your CD, and Musician Resources.