Feb 9 2009
Lovely Charts

Lovely Charts

Congrats to Jérôme Cordiez on the creation of LovelyCharts.com.

Hi there victor!

Welcome to Lovely Charts!

You’ve now almost completed registration, simply enter the following confirmation code when prompted for one, and you’ll directly be able to use Lovely Charts at will (you’ll only need to do this once).

Confirmation code:

Besides that, just for the record, here are some useful informations for you might want to keep somewhere:

  • Your login is:
  • Your password is:
  • The application can be found at: https://my.lovelycharts.com
  • Wether it’s a bug report, a feature request, an opinion, a suggestion, a rant, a love letter… If you have anything to tell us about Lovely Charts, please do, either by email (support@lovelycharts.com ), or via the embedded feedback form that you’ll find in the Help menu -> Report a bug/Request a feature. We would LOVE to chat with you

Enjoy !
The Lovely Charts team.

Lovely Charts is a Lovely product, obviously.

Project lead:
Jerome Cordiez: jerome@lovelycharts.com

UI icons:
Mark James: https://www.famfamfam.com

Special thanks :
Kristian Crick, Benjamin De Cock, Renaud Collin, Marie Cordiez, Adobe Systems, and last but not least, to tons of others, too numerous to enumerate, for inspiration and support.

Lovely Charts ©2007, all rights reserved.

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