Feb 8 2009
Los Angeles Mac Event
Deborah Shadovitz
View profile

More options Feb 7, 1:52 pm

Hi everyone
If all of you who use or are thinking of using a Mac could do this
survey for me and also pass it to all Mac users and potential Mac
users you know in Southern California (and fly-in areas), I’d really
appreciate it. I want 1,000 – 3,000 responses to this by Monday evening.
(I am planning on a lot for Small Business and for Developers.)

If you use a Mac or are thinking of getting one, and are in So Cal (or
easily fly into LAX)  please do this.

Here’s the big question:
Would you like to see a 2009 MacGathering™ in Los Angeles?

I need you to tell me.
Fast. Now, if you can, please.

It’s easy.
There’s a simple survey waiting for you at:

Why do I ask this?
Because I need to sign a contract.
Because the good software publishers & hardware sellers of our
community need an honest assessment of whether to spend the money and
make the trip to come to LA.
Because there are some nice folks considering sponsoring us to make it
Because we all want to be fair to these folks.

So I look forward to all of your answers.
Only I see most of your responses. Names and ages are not shared.

Please forward this to anyone else who uses a Mac or is considering it.

– Deborah Shadovitz, MacGathering™ (and MacDayLA) Producer

PS: If the age field is still mandatory when you do the survey and you
don’t want to disclose your age just put Under 17 and add a comment at
the end that you’re really not.


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