Jul 12 2008
Cycling in LA Incident

This is absurd that something like this would happen…. really makes you wonder about people.

Road Rage on Mandeville – Latest News

L.A.’s cycling community is rallying around the issue of improving cyclist-motorist relations following a shocking road rage incident on Mandeville Canyon Road on the 4th of July. On a day when hundreds of cyclists enjoyed the 5 mile climb and meandering descent of the two-lane residential road, upper Mandeville resident Dr. Christopher T. Thompson, a motorist with a police-documented history of harassing cyclists on Mandeville, came up behind two Cynergy riders honking and yelling out of his car, passed them closely and then slammed on his brakes right in front of them, causing serious injuries to both. Dr. Thompson was arrested by LAPD at the scene.

The case is being handled by the District Attorney’s office, and LACBC has learned that the multiple felony charges filed against Dr. Thompson today could land the 59-year-old emergency physician in state prison for up to 7 years, 8 months, in additional to collateral consequences of such felony charges, which may include the revocation of his medical license. He is charged with Reckless Driving Causing Injury, Inflicting Gross Bodily Injury, and Battery Causing Serious Injury – two counts each (for the two cyclists that he hurt), six felonies altogether. The Deputy District Attorney assigned to the case said he has “no sympathy” for this motorist, and called this “a dark day for Mr. Thompson”.

L.A. City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl (Council District 11) has called a public meeting, to address residents’ and cyclists’ concerns about Mandeville Canyon Road and Westside cycling issues in general, on Monday July 14th at 6:30pm at the Felicia Mahood Multipurpose Center at 11338 Santa Monica Blvd. https://www.lacity.org/council/cd11/hottopics/cd11hottopics255254342_07112008.pdf

Cycling advocates, particularly those who frequent Mandeville Canyon, are encouraged to attend. This is a good way for you to get involved, and to bring L.A.’s cycling community together for the very important cause of safety on our roadways.

All of us at LACBC wish Ron and Christian, the two cyclists injured in this horrible incident, a complete and speedy recovery! And we will continue to follow this case to see that this kind of illegal, dangerous road rage behavior is appropriately punished.

Jennifer Klausner
Executive Director


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