May 2 2010
Chef Jose Andres Cooking

Chef Jose Andrew

complicated combinations

cotton candy on seafood

dishes are cutting edge

future is vegetables and fruits, unbelievable sexy.

Chicken compared to Pineapple, chicken, meat is overated.

meat is boring. it’s ok once in a while

Ruth Richield,

food will have textures, will explode in your mouth, not a gimmick, circus of the mouth.

Jose was the first person to think molecular gastronomy. desconstructing food.

Deconstructs Clam Chowder.

raw clams,

Culinary Physics at Harvard.

Better understand an emulsion, of mayonaise

it is all a science, why’s and what

barcelona cooking school

Ferran andrew

Tapas Halio in Washington DC

Runs 8 restaurants in the world

The Bazaar in Beverly Hills is a newest restaurant

Ruben Garcia

taste and textures – that people will be shocked, convinced of who we are, see yourself in the dishes

4 star rating in the LA Times

Very hard to get a seat at The Bazaar

Sunny Los Angeles

The Kitchen i nthe Washing

DC Central Kitchen – training 12 week course 1 ton of donated food, staffers have stopped

chefs should be more outspoken.

one 1 -2 % of the people eat at the fancy restaurants.

Jose has hired 11 graduates from the DC Central Kitchen

Jose sees himself as

Miami, Mexico City, and Panama City

Jose makes DC his home

What is a mojito, it’s liquid inside, how did it get made, seaweed, salt, very natural ingredients




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