Bottled Water Documentary
We pay more for water than we do for gas.
About a fifth of the plastic water bottles purchased in the United States are recycled.
Tapped, a new documentary about the bottled water industry directed Stephanie Soechtig and the producers of Who Killed the Electric Car?.
Look at how consumers have been tricked into spending money on water packaged in plastic.
The bottled in may cases is not even as clean as that coming out of the tap.
Official Site:
Tapped is a film that examines the role of the bottled water industry and its effects on our health, climate change, pollution, and our reliance on oil.
40% of bottled watter is tap water
municipal source
Americans bought $29 billion of bottled water, last year
5 gallon jugs have their own problem, BPA issue
building block of hard clear pastics
polycarbonate leaches, estrogenic effects
FDA interview – 1 at the FDA is responsible for the FDA regulation of water. Low priority for FDA!
Film opens at the ArcLight Friday, August 7.