May 13 2010
BeanBoozled jelly beans come in 20 flavors, 10 weird and wild flavors matched up with 10 look-alike tasty flavors. Get yours today!

Have you ever tasty BeanBoozled jelly beans brought by Jelly Belly Candy Company? If not, do try once as they are the tastiest and craziest jelly beans you might have ever eaten in your life.

These BeanBoozled jelly beans come in 10 colors and 20 flavors, 10 weird and wild flavors matched up with 10 look-alike tasty flavors. So here lies the fun and suspense you are unaware of. You don’t know which exactly ones are of tasty flavor. Skunk Spray bean looks exactly like the Licorice bean whereas Moldy Cheese might look like Sweet Caramel Corn. So if you think you are choosing the very tasty Buttered Popcorn bean but you might end up eating actually Rotten Egg one. So the only way left to know is to taste them.

So waana have fun and play prank on your friends then BeanBoozled jelly beans is the best bet. The best part is you can create a Jelly Belly BeanBoozled gift container of your own choice. You can customize graphics and combination of BeanBoozled jelly beans just in few simple steps. Visit, create your own gift container and send them to your friends, they will sure remember them for a long, long time.


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