Apr 4 2010
Baja California Mexico Easter Sunday Earthquake 7.2

Baja California Mexico Easter Sunday Earthquake 7.2

Many people from Baja California in Mexico, to San Fernando Valley felt a powerful earthquake which occurred at approx. 4:30pm PST.

The initial measurement was at 6.9 and was later upgraded to 7.2.

Around the same time a 4.x earthquake occurred in Northern California, near Santa Rosa.

The rise in earthquake activity is alarming, and is a reminder of how active our planet earth is.

We should all have an emergency plan and emergency survival kits.

2 people killed


epicenter 38 miles SE  of Mexicali

walls of 3 story apt building cracked

surveying the damage – calexico – many aftershocks

up to magnitude 5 range

There have been some power outages in Mexicali, border was closed for a time.

Analyzing the quake data from Caltech, just had a 5.1, aftershocks are becoming less frequent.

Can we estimates timeline?

CISN Display

Baja is a very active area

Dr. Kate Hutton with Caltech.

Will this relieve stress on the San Andreas Fault?  Hard to say and it depends on.  Lots of geologist are at the site of the quake.

Caltech USGS

Sheraton in Marina San Diego is closed, 1200 rooms evacuated.

Earthquake pictures and Videos:

Sean Popke

Pools sloshed around


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