Nov 26 2010
AT&T tweaks wireless terms of service to forbid video streaming, filesharing, data tethering


AT&T tweaks wireless terms of service to forbid video streaming, filesharing, data tethering

By Nilay Patel posted Apr 3rd 2009 12:24PM

Looks like AT&T’s taking some aggressive steps to manage network traffic now that it’s offering subsidized netbooks — the carrier updated its data plan terms of service last night to specifically single out and prohibit “downloading movies using P2P file sharing services, customer initiated redirection of television or other video or audio signals via any technology from a fixed location to a mobile device, web broadcasting, and… any applications that tether the device… to Personal Computers or other equipment.” That’s an impressively strict set of rules that seemingly bans a number of apps AT&T customers are already using without complaint — everything from SlingPlayer to Qik to Skype to Jaikuspot — so we’ll see if the company is really so tone-deaf as to try and retroactively prohibit their use, or if it’ll just ignore what it can’t possibly enforce. We’ve pinged AT&T for comment, we’ll let you know what they say.

P.S.- It’s not just AT&T struggling to keep up with how people actually use its network — Deutsche Telekom today threatened to cut off German T-Mobile customers who dare to use Skype. Nice. Can someone give all these guys some new ideas, please?


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