Oct 3 2010
Aptera Reservation Cancelled

As more options become available we have decided to cancel our reservation for the Aptera.  The current front runner for an electric car is the Nissan Leaf. It appears that having the reservation will allow us to place the order for the car in December 2010. Which is only a couple months away.

If the Aptera become a reality, we may reconsider, but at this time it was starting to look like it could be another year or longer before the Aptera becomes a reality.  Having lost the XPrize took a lot of steam out of the project, which will have to focus on additional funding. Perhaps the management of Aptera will be able to regroup and really make a run at it before the market competition is flooded.

So far it appears that the cancellation process is good. No problems with receiving the money back.


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