Jan 23 2011
App for catching and reporting distracted drivers

Now there’s an app for catching and reporting distracted drivers.

This morning I saw a driver putting on make-up while driving down the freeway at speeds over 70mph, there she was with a make-up mirror and eye lash make-up.


So you can start using this app.

iPhone App for Distracted Drivers?
SafeCellapp for the iPhone launched earlier this week, and an Android version of the app is coming sometime in early October. SafeCellapp targets the distracted driver by alerting them to locations where there are legal restrictions on texting or making phone calls while driving. It will even keep a log of when the rules are followed or broken using the phone’s built-in GPS, so parents can reward their kids. Of course, the app has to be running for this work. It’s not a free download, so while it’s a pretty novel idea, nothing tops teaching your kids that they just shouldn’t use the phone at all when they’re behind the wheel. Many parents go as far as telling their kids they can’t even have the phone’s power on while they’re driving. Good idea. Here’s the app: https://itunes.apple.com/app/safecellapp/id386455081?mt=8# Here’s its website: https://www.safecellapp.com/


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