Shumei America presents
Respecting Tradition – Encouraging Innovation A Japanese Taiko Drum Concert
Saturday, June 28th, at 7:00 pm
(doors open at 6:30 pm)
Makoto Taiko Group will present a special musical performance, titled “Respecting Tradition – Encouraging Innovation” featuring world renowned Taiko drummer and director of Makoto Taiko, Koji Nakamura.
Taiko drumming captures our attention and brings us into the present through the powerful and invigorating sounds it creates. By banishing thoughts of past and the future, taiko clears our minds and lightens our hearts. Taiko harmoniously combines physical discipline, aesthetic sense, and spiritual cultivation. Taiko’s dramatic body movements and dynamic rhythms are exhilarating to both eyes and ears! But most important, the spirit of taiko is sure to awaken and renew the spirit within us. Be prepared to be moved!
Shumei Hall
2430 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107 (626) 584-8841 (4 blocks south of 210 Freeway, between Sierra Madre Blvd. & Alta Dena Dr.) Free Admission
For more information or directions call 626-584-8841, or see
Koji Nakamura
Koji Nakamura was one of the original three performers who established the internationally acclaimed Japanese taiko drumming group, Shumei Taiko Ensemble. In 1982, Mr. Nakamura became a member of Ondekoza and participated in their European tour. After the tour, he created the Shumei Taiko Ensemble, which has become one of the top taiko groups in Japan. Since their creation, the group has performed in Hong Kong, all across the United States, the Parliament of World Religions in 1999, the World Festival of Sacred Music that was promoted by the Dalai Lama XIV in South Africa and the opening ceremony of the 2000 Millennium World Peace Summit at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. In 2005, he and his family moved to Pasadena, California, where now he supports Makoto Taiko¡¯s activities throughout North America. Most recently he worked with Paul Winter on his Grammy Award winning CD, Paul Winter Consort: “CRESTONE: A Celebration of the World of Crestone.”
Makoto Taiko
Makoto Taiko was formed on July 11th, 1999 and is comprised of mostly young people. Makoto Taiko has played at many venues over the past 6 years, including the Prayer Vigil in Washington D.C., World Festival of Sacred Music in Torrance last year, the Catskill Mountain Cultural Festival in New York, the African American Museum in L.A., various churches around greater LA, and the Japanese Summer Festival in Torrance.
Jun 18 2008
by Victor Caballero on , [ no comment ]
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