Aug 12 2008
Tragic story dogs available

Hi Folks,

Perhaps you can help – these 2 beautiful brothers need a home together. Their owner committed suicide. This breed is very loyal, intelligent, sweet spirited, funny and well trained. About 40 lbs each so medium sized. Very clean and not much shedding. Pass it on if you can. Contact is:

—–Original Message—–
From: Diana Lansleen []
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2008 2:17 PM
Subject: Please help these dogs!

Sorry for the group e-mail, but I’d like to ask for your help.

This is a very sad situation – one of my best friends found out
yesterday that their neighbor committed suicide. He’s left behind 2
beautiful Pure Breed Australian Shepherds, who are brothers. He had
left them access to the outside and enough food and water that
allowed them to survive, but they have been alone for approximately
1-2 weeks.

I’ve seen these 2 dogs many times over the past few years. They are
very well trained, have wonderful dispositions and are now homeless.

Shank with the blue eyes was born 8/29/2002
Ripper with brown eyes was born 7/10/06

Both dogs have AKC and ASCA litter numbers

Their owner left a left a note saying “they are brothers, please keep
them as brothers” so they gotta go together. I’d love to take them,
but we have 3 dogs at our home already, so 2 more may not be
possible. Most importantly, these guys need someone who can keep
them together.

They are located here in Simi Valley and the breeder has offered to
take them on a temporary basis until they can be placed. The breeder
is in nearby Moorpark, in case anyone wants to arrange to see them.

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