Office of Councilwoman Gerrie Schipske
The Long Beach Police Department is warning residents, specifically senior residents, about a scam involving traffic collisions that results in the loss of cash and credit cards.
In the five reported incidents, the suspect either “bumps” or pretends to bump his vehicle into an elderly driver’s vehicle, and then motions them to pull over. When the suspect and victim proceed to exchange information, the suspect offers to assist the victim by taking their wallet to locate their information for them. The suspect then, without the victim knowing, removes cash and/or credit cards.
The suspect is described as a male African-American, 40-50 years-old, approximately 6 feet and 180-200 pounds, and drives a white 4-door sedan. In some instances, the suspect has been accompanied by one or two female African-Americans.
All five reported incidents have occurred in the East Division, during daytime hours. There have also been similar reported incidents in several nearby cities.
Residents are being provided this information to make them aware of potential risks during a “traffic collision,” and cautioned to only provide their driver’s license and insurance card information, and NEVER their entire wallet. If you become suspicious of the other driver or believe you are being scammed, you should call for police right away so that an officer can respond to the scene and assist. If in Long Beach you should call the Long Beach Police Communications Center at (562) 435-6711, which should be programmed in all resident’s cell phones.
The investigations are ongoing and anyone who may any information related to these incidents should contact Forgery/Fraud Detective Jesse Macias at (562) 570-7330.
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