Oct 9 2012
Red Bull Strato Jump From Space Felix Baumgartner

Red Bull Strato Jump From Space Felix Baumgartner

Leap of Faith

Find out how a record-breaking supersonic sky dive from space works, in this SPACE.com infographic.
Source SPACE.com: All about our solar system, outer space and exploration

Skydiver attempts longest free fall ever

Roswell, NM

23 miles

Felix Baumgatner

Jump from the highest location

Red Bull Strtos

-70 degrees

Mach 1

Dr. Jonathan Clark

97,000 ft

43 year old


Earliest launch now 8:30AM MDT/14:30 GMT on October 9th

A LIVE webcast of the Red Bull Stratos will be live streamed at https://youtube.com/redbull and https://redbullstratos.com

Red Bull Stratos is a mission to the edge of space that will try to surpass human limits that have existed for more than 50 years. Supported by a team of experts, Felix Baumgartner will undertake a stratospheric balloon flight to more than 120,000 feet / 36,576 meters and make a record-breaking freefall jump in the attempt to become the first man to break the speed of sound in freefall (an estimated 690 miles / 1,110 kilometers per hour), while delivering valuable data for medical and scientific advancement.

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