Nov 17 2008 November 20, 2008

November 20th Flier

We’re excited to announce the line up for this Thursday!


Dr. Amir Give’on / Technical Staff, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The Terrestrial Planet Finder: NASA’s Search for Earth-like Planets

Michael Berman / Independent Technology Consultant
3D Printing: The Virtual Made Real

Andrea Choe / Biology Grad Student, Caltech
Risky Defecation, Useful Cannibalism and other Animal Oddities

Shama Helena / Life, Love and Sex Coach and Media Hostess
Tantra – Ancient Secrets of Sexual Energy Activation

Aaron Krinsky / Producer, VisionLogic
Going Viral: Remixing Michael Jackson’s Thriller

There will be games on display from uWink interactive restaurant and ‘acoustic painting’ visualizations from David Guttman.

We are also pleased to announce that we’ll have a live Jazz duo, including the saxophone talents of Bob Reynolds, and as usual, our resident DJ’s, Android Cartel will be offering up some ambient and energizing tunes.

Hope to see you here!
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