Jun 20 2008
mindshare.la Los Angeles June 19

Mindshare.la was held last night at the LA Brewery off the 5 fwy near USC Medical Center.

I had a chance to meet several very interesting people.

Clay Stranger – Wine Consultant & Sales with The Organic Wine Works
We talked about wine making. The Sulfite Free wines sound like a big hit.
The Organic Wine Works –
Producers of
Radical Red
Maverick Merlot
Radical Cab
Surf’n Syrah
Zenful Zin
a’ Notre Terre (to our earth)
a Rhone style red blend
Proprietors Reserve
Cabernet Sauvignon
Proprietors Reserve Zinfandel
Also Producers of
Hallcrest Vineyards
Ultra Premium Wines from the Santa Cruz Mountains Established 1941

Eric Schlissel – Social Media Business Consultant
Connect Grow Profit
We talked about social media.

Michael Weikai Chang – Ph.D. Graduate Student, Electrical Enginnering, University of Southern California.

Drew Harding – Product Strategy with CitrusByte
We talked about a job sites and music trends and brands.
The guys are CitrusByte are doing some amazing things.
There a new site coming out called TalenBoom, check it out at www.talentboom.com

Several other people including a VC’s, a science teacher from Santa Fe Springs High School, batista, artists, designers, yoga instructors.

Love the event. I’ll be going back next month, as long as it doesn’t conflict with Twiistup 4.

-Victor Caballero

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