Mar 6 2008
Landslide blocks Sepulveda Blvd. in Westwood

Reports this morning of a landslide blocking parts of Sepulveda Blvd. The landslide caused traffic gridlock on both Sepulveda and the 405.

It could be hours before the road opens.

The LA Times has video and a story on the slide as things develop., 0,2238560.story

There was a landslide in the area of Sepulveda and Montana. LAPD, LAFD, DOT & DWP are at scene. The area has been secured primarily due to live/exposed electrical wires. The scene of the landslide is a construction zone and there are no reports of evacuations nor are there reports of homes affected.

At this time the hillside remains in a state of movement and LAFD expects Sepulveda Blvd to remain closed between Sunset Bl. and Montana Ave. for another 10-12 hours. LAFD has ‘red tagged’ several homes affected by the landslide. The landslide has damaged an area power line, causing power outages to residences in the immediate area. Initial reports indicate the landslide was caused by a water main break, although it is now believed that excessive rainfall from previous storms dislodged the hillside and contributed to the slide. No injuries have been immediately reported. Motorists are urged to use alternate routes around the area and to expect heavy delays on I-405, which runs parallel to Sepulveda Blvd in the vicinity of the slide.

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