Well ladies and gentlemen! Tomorrow is the BIG NIGHT! I hope everyone is as excited as I am! This is going to be HUGE night for our meetup group! I just wanted to update everyone on the meeting agenda for tomorrow night along with a few “surprises”
This Tuesday, October 28 7.30 PM Sharp!
Meeting Agenda:
7.30-8.00 PM – Refreshments and Networking!
Hot Buffet of Great Food provided by the world class Chakra Cusine! FREE Full Buffet for all attendees! Chakra’s Website: https://www.chakracuisine.com
8.00-8.30 PM – Presentation by Bruce Clay’s Scott Polk
8.30-8.40 PM – Q/A
8.40-8.50 PM – Break
8.50-9.05 PM – Presentation by Tim Gibson CEO of Hobbytron – T
9.05-9.15 PM – Q/A
9.15-9.30 PM – Business Speed Dating session we will be match making business for Join Ventures that have an email list and are willing to cross promote each others offers to their Opt-in Email List.
9.30-9.40 PM – Presentation by Siobhan Oldham Marketing Consultant
9.40-9.45 PM – Q/A
9:45-10:00 PM – Feedback and Survey for Future Programs
The meeting will last for 2 hours 30 min.
*Note, all who have messaged me about volunteering can you please be at the location by 6:30pm! Thanks so much for all your help.
Again I would like to shout out our PROUD SPONSORS FOR THIS EVENT!!!
Thank you so much for your support in making this a memorable and exciting night for our members!
Please visit and support our sponsors:
Tim Gibson of HobbyTron.com
“the top online retailer of remote control toys and airsoft guns.”
Website: https://hobbytron.com...
Robert Gantt of LEADPROS.COM
“Get Customers, Improve Cashflow & Sell More Products”
Website: https://leadpros.com...
Robert of Hollywood Pro Photography
“Professional Photographer to the Stars…
I’m so excited that our meeting is finally here and I know this is going to be one for the history books! I would like to thank everyone in this group for your support and for everyone who has helped along the way. It is because of you all that this group continues to grow strongly and truly become the #1 Internet Marketing SEO/SEM Meetup group out there!
I look forward to meeting and networking with everyone tomorrow night!
To your success,
Hari Dasa
#1 Internet Marketing/SEO/SEM Los Angeles
Click here to RSVP or sign up Now —> https://www.meetup.com/internet-marketing-university/