Apr 24 2009
FW: Zaproot Nominated for Webby: PLEASE VOTE: DEADLINE….

Dear Friends,

As you might know, I produce a green webseries, called www.zaproot.com, (we call it sustainable comedy:) We’ve just been nominated for a Webby for best editing–which is a huge deal for our show.

The winner is decided by popular vote. I can’t tell you how much we’d appreciated if you’d vote for us; it’ll mean a lot for the show if we win:)

I swear this will take you 90 secondsÅ 


1. click Register now

2. create account

3. check email, get confirmation code, enter it

4. Click Vote now below Online Fllm and Video- (bottom of page, second

tab) (above all the tags)

5. Click Best Editing, the Second category.

6. Vote for Zaproot

7. You’ve gone this far….feel free to make a comment and tell us how much you love our show:)

I am eternally grateful…hope you are well!


Sarah Szalavitz

PS Deadline SOON!

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