When buying second hand goods, it’s important to take the time to review some basic precautions, whether you’re getting items from a shop, a private seller, or online. You need to be aware of when a deal may be suspicious, while also knowing what your rights are and what options are available when dealing with Cash In Hand Pawnbrokers and other institutions. What, then, are some of the things that you should be focusing on when dealing with second hand goods?

English: 2nd-hand goods in Totnes market The goods were just being loaded back into the van at the conclusion of trading for the day. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
- Primarily, you should be wary of any second hand goods that are intended to be used as safety devices; this means being careful about headgear, helmets, and child car seats, which tend to be one-use only items, and not recommended for second hand sale. While you may find that these items haven’t been used before, it’s difficult to really know, and you’re likely to be taking a risk if you buy second hand goods that don’t have a verifiable history.
- Moreover, you should check to see whether any tools or electronics that you buy second hand come with their original instructions; this can be crucial if you’re buying power tools that require certain safety procedures to be followed. You also need to ensure that second hand furniture still has a label that identifies items as being compliant with the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) Safety Regulations 1988. Buying from reputable pawnbrokers and other second hand dealers can reduce your risk of buying an unsafe item.
- It’s also important to be aware of your rights as a consumer when dealing in second hand items. You’re still covered by the Sale of Goods Act 1979, which means that you can contest how an item was promoted as being different from what you actually bought. You can also take advantage of a seven day cooling off period for goods, and credit card protection on losses. A good seller should put information about your rights in an easily accessible place.
- There are some exceptions, though, which mostly apply to buying goods at an auction. As well as following common sense in terms of not over-bidding on items that you’re unsure about, you need to remember that the Sale of Goods Act can be waived. An auctioneer will typically declare that an item is to be sold as seen, which if accepted by a buyer, represents a clearly stated level of risk. Some auction houses will provide an indemnity insurance policy, though, if you do have second thoughts about your purchase.When buying second hand items online, it’s crucial to be cautious about who you’re dealing with. Make sure that you’re not being asked to transfer money without guarantees of purchase, and that all information on tax is available if you’re importing something into the country. You should also be wary about disclosing bank details, and of knowing when a seller is reputable from their ratings and the quality of the goods being presented.
Author Bio: Emily Steves blogs about ways you can save money online. She recommends using Cash in Hand Pawnbrokers when looking for high quality second hand items. She also writes about the best ways to use online auction sites.